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Love versus Infatuation


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God has given man the capacity to love and experience love. However, the devil, constantly in opposition to GOD, places before us counterfeits.

Infatuation in his false front for love and since both love and infatuation involve strange emotions, a desire to be together always and sexual excitement-

telling the difference between them doesn't come easy.

How can we tell whether one's in love or simply infatuated.How shall we know?

For me, love centers on one person only, while infatuation tends to consider several at the same time. The man who strikes here and there or the woman who accepts the offer of one man after another certainly needs time to be sure of his or her feelings. So how about you? How do you differentiate Love from infatuation?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Iinfatuation can certainly lead to love. To me, love isn't something that's very strong at first sight. Like a sapling tree, if you keep watering it and give it plenty of sunshine, it will grow big and strong. And then one day, you wake up and realize you have been married for 12 years, and you see your spouse looking just as attractive as when you first met.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Iinfatuation can certainly lead to love. To me, love isn't something that's very strong at first sight. Like a sapling tree, if you keep watering it and give it plenty of sunshine, it will grow big and strong. And then one day, you wake up and realize you have been married for 12 years, and you see your spouse looking just as attractive as when you first met.

Well, if you see a girl, think she's hot and immediately you know that she's the girl for you, then buddy I have got news for you, this is infatuation.A simply a feeling that makes you think that you want some one, but when you sit to think about it more deeply, whether you really want to spend the rest of your lives with that person,then the answer comes- NO!It normally happens to teenagers,who haven't had that level of maturity yet.

    Love is a more mature feeling, it needs you to care about some one ,without thinking about your benefits.Love doesn't happen overnight, it's something that grows during a duration.It is supposed to be something that whenever you sit down to think that you are going to have to spend your whole life with a person with all those vices she/he has,and even then if you get a -YES,as an answer then my friend you're in love.

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