Sidzler Posted January 26, 2009 Report Posted January 26, 2009 I strongly believe in God. How about you? ??? Are you a believer or a nonbeliever of God? Please share your feelings with us and don't give diplomatic answers!
Guest meme40 Posted January 27, 2009 Report Posted January 27, 2009 Yes, I believe in God! I was raised as a Baptist and as I got older, around 16, I went to a Pentecostal church with a girl friend and her parents. It scared me at first, the way they were dancing around the sanctuary with arms raised and singing and praising Jesus. Later in the service, they anointed people and prayed in tongues. I had no idea what was going on and wasn't sure I wanted to come back to that church. After I got married in 1989, my husband wanted me to go to a different Pentecostal church with him. They did the same thing as the other church, only this time, a lady that was a couple of rows in front of us, started speaking in tongues during the preaching, and then a few minutes later, an older man stood up and started interpreting what she said. My husband explained to me later that, they were touched by the Spirit. I wanted to know more of that beautiful way of worship and together, we studied the bible, and continued to go to this Pentecostal church and eventually both started speaking in tongues. I felt the Spirit several times and I can't even explain the wonderful feeling of love until you experience it yourself! I've raised my children in church and never looked back on becoming spiritual in a way that fills your heart with so much unconditional love, protection and forgiveness. Great things can happen to you when you Thank God for everything, everyday, no matter what the situation is, I believe that everything has a reason and if you trust in him, he will do so much for you. God should come first in your life, no matter where you go to church.
Sunshine12 Posted February 5, 2009 Report Posted February 5, 2009 I believe in God. I am very strong in my Christian faith and find it hard to even fathom how you could not believe in God. Were we all just put here by accident. You have to believe that we are here for a reason and not just because a big ball of energy went "bang." Look around you and you will see everything that God has made.
pip85 Posted February 5, 2009 Report Posted February 5, 2009 Unfortunately I do not believe in god. I believe if there was a god why are there so many starving children in the world? If god was that good he would never allow innocent children to live and die terribly. I believe it is up to the individual to live a respectful and happy life to the best of their ability. We owe it to ourselves to be good to others and to ourselves.
babs Posted February 6, 2009 Report Posted February 6, 2009 Yes, I believe in God. I don't know how anyone could look at the beautiful world we live in and not see God's hand in everything. Yes, bad things happen in the world, but it was God's choice to give us free agency. If we were forced to all do the same thing, then God would not be a just God. If God were not just, then he would not be God. God wants us to live as his son, Jesus Christ, lived. However, God knows we are human and are going to mess up. Therefore, he gave us a Savior to help us through these times.
gyap72 Posted February 9, 2009 Report Posted February 9, 2009 Yes. I absolutely believe that there's a God for the reason that you can't explain where all things came from so logically there is someone who made all this thing. About the question if there's a God why does he let some people to starve to death? God provides all the things that we need to live but the problem is some people are too selfish and some are irresponsible and that is the true reason why there is so much poverty. God gave us free will but that freewill has a consequence and the consequence depends on what you did.
Raven Posted February 9, 2009 Report Posted February 9, 2009 I'm a proud, happy Pagan, so we believe there is no "god". We'd rather live kind, helpful, happy lives devoted to helping each other and healing the Earth. We celebrate many of the same festivals as christians - only they're not the same names. The festivals stem from a time and a tradition that came before christians. Winter solstice is December 21st and it's our celebration of the day the sun dies for three days before it is reborn and continues its resurrected journey back through the heavens.
NicoletteF Posted February 9, 2009 Report Posted February 9, 2009 I for one do not believe in God. I was baptised as a baby Catholic, confirmed a Lutheran, and attended a Christian church as a teenager. All religions seem to teach the same things; believe in God, love your neighbor, etc. My problem has always been if you can't see it, it isn't there. In my early twenties I found Paganism. I feel that it fits with my personal beliefs better than any other organized religion.
humorris Posted February 12, 2009 Report Posted February 12, 2009 Yes I believe in God, as eight years ago I tried to committee suicide via jumping out of a tall building. Aparantly humans don't fly. After a six hour op on my brain from a massive blood clot, I thankfully survived. I think God wanted me to survive, and to make a difference. I endeavour to do so.
moneybag Posted February 15, 2009 Report Posted February 15, 2009 I am a bible believing Christian, my believe is so strong, you can sleep on it. My bible tells me.......Don't go away, I'm not quoting any verses here. But it made me understand that for his pleasure, all things are and were created. Pip85 wondered why we have so many starving children in the world if there is a god? You see, Adam and Eve fell in the garden of Eden therefore, we have all become sinners by nature but, God, in his infinite mercy, sent his only begotten son to be the sacrificial lamb for the remission of our sins. There can not be remission of sin without the shedding of blood remember? The bible also tells me that the book of the law(Bible) shall not depart out of my mouth but that i shall meditate therein day and night that i may observe to do according to all that is written therein, that my ways may be made prosperous and i shall have good success. This means that sin has brought about some people having plenty to eat and drink while some have little but, if you believe in God and do his will, you shall not lack.
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