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Re: The activity to release stress


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I do a lot of things to release stress.  Going to the gym can be great.  Working out releases a lot of energy and all those feel good endorphins.  I also enjoy surfing the internet, reading, hanging with friends, going to movies and writing!  Sometimes when I'm stressed I want to be alone and hide from the world.  Other times I want to be part of the world so I call friends and ask them to hang out.  I've also been known to put on my favorite CDs and dance around the apartment.  That always does the trick!

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I play a round of golf. It releases stress, that's one thing for sure. The moment I mount up the first tee I could readily feel excitement going over my body. Just looking at the fairway makes me at ease with my surroundings. Playing in a  massive manicure lawn makes me at peace with nature. Boy its just terrific. Sometimes when I get to the clubhouse tension returns in an odd fashion. That is when my caddie hands me my score card. 

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The age old question of how to deal with stress, eh?  I have found that I need a good combination of both physical and mental activity to destress.  For me playing the guitar is great relief.  Not only can I physically play more aggressively by plucking the strings harder, but it also takes my mind off of things by focusing my attention elswhere.

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Exercise definitely helps, as well as clam music at times.

Although I think it's safe to say we all have our own stress relieving formula, and those that don't are the ones that are excessively stressed out. And if you happen to have a Nintendo DS, there's quite a few pleasing games that will aid in the process.

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Usually to relieve stress, I'll go for a run or a bike ride. As everyone's been saying, endorphins are great. Also, it helps for me to get into the sunshine. The  best thing for me, however, is to catch up with my girlfriends and have a good giggle session. Laughing combats stress like nothing else!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Stress is unavoidable for most of us, considering that the working environment is getting more and more competitive.

For me, being relaxed is when one is relieved both internally and externally. I live downtown where the traffic is always intense in rush hour. I have long working hour every day that I feel burned out when I get home. The best way to relieve my stress is to go to some suburban areas with my friends and fill my eyes with the beauty of the nature.

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Well stress has been my companion since last couple of years, especially when there is such a lot of competition all around you and you know it's difficult to survive without hard work. As of me, Yoga is what I prefer. Some breathing exercise and some outdoor activities just keeps stress away from me. Take time out just for yourself and for your mind and body. Releasing stress isn't that tough, believe me!

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Since I really enjoy music, sometimes when I'm stressed I use music to make myself feel better.  Sometimes I just sing, but other times I will pick up my guitar and just strum, really hard.  Other times I'll write a cheesy song about how I'm feeling.  Also, I sometimes go bang on the piano and try to immerse myself in practice, or play a song I know really well.

In any event, getting one's mind off problems in life and thinking about happier things is really the best way to diminish stress... or just deal with the problems in the first place! Of course, that's easier said than done.  :-\

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Stress is very common nowadays, it wasn't a big issue in the olden days as far as I can remember. Look at what we have become and changed to with the new technologies and living a very busy life. Technology and living modern life does make life much easier now: washers and dryers, transportation, abundance of food, electricity, etc. But some things make life today more insane: cell phones, traffic, increased population, fake food, TV, busy schedules. I read from a book  that we make more decisions in one day than people used to make in a year. No wonder we're stressed out so much!!

As for what I do when I'm stressed, I have to think of something new every time as I get bored doing same thing over and over again, but mostly I read books. I read almost everything and about all topics. I don't think you'll ever get bored reading as it take you to a new journey every time you read a book !

Hope no one will feel stressed anymore.  :) God bless

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Stress is very common nowadays, it wasn't a big issue in the olden days as far as I can remember. Look at what we have become and changed to with the new technologies and living a very busy life. Technology and living modern life does make life much easier now: washers and dryers, transportation, abundance of food, electricity, etc. But some things make life today more insane: cell phones, traffic, increased population, fake food, TV, busy schedules. I read from a book  that we make more decisions in one day than people used to make in a year. No wonder we're stressed out so much!!

I do think life seems to have speeded up. In the past we would have posted a letter, now we send an email that arrives instantly. In my opinion this creates a certain degree of pressure at work in terms of response times and appearing on the ball 24x7.

I do have a pressurized job and have a few tips that help me and might help you too  :) :

1) Before you go to bed at night write on a piece of paper everything that is running through your mind no matter how mundane, even things as minor as needing to take out the trash. Fold it up and put it to one side. I find this to be an effective way of clearing my mind and helping me sleep.

2) Cut down on alcohol and caffeine. It is easy to slip into using both of these things as a crux to help you cope with stress but these ultimately make you feel worse.

3) Spend some time with an animal. Stroking and talking to a pet somehow always helps  ;D.

Just a few thoughts, hope they help!

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Every time I start feeling stressed I take a deep breath and remove myself from the situation causing the stress, even if it's only for a few minutes.

For instance, I am in the process of moving, which as most people know can be very stressful. Earlier today my roommate and I began to bicker about who was doing more of the work. After about five minutes of arguing I told her I would be back in a few minutes. I took our dog on a walk to calm down. As always it worked like a charm, I returned and apologized for the nasty things I said and we got back to work.

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