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Re: Now computer can also predict your death

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Very interesting. We're these predictions correct, or where they proven other wise? It's amazing what they do with computers nowadays.

  • 4 weeks later...

In my oppinion I think it is impossible to calculate when someone will pass away. Even if we could find out I think it will moraly be wrong to tell someone the time and date they will die. I rarther not know I will die than know I will die.


There are so many factors that can change which make computer predictions of the time of your death nearly impossible.

There are plenty of things you can do to increase your life expectancy that can have benefits within 48 hours, for example if you stop smoking, within 48 hours your lungs can start to recover to their normal capacity.

  • 4 weeks later...

At first I thought you were going to post a link to one of those "fun" sites that supposedly can predict your death, but it looks like I was wrong.

As for what you said, yes technology can accomplish such things but when it comes to death, I honestly don't think technology can ever be 100% accurate as numerous things can shift that "final day".


It's completely impossible to tell when someone is going to die, even roughly. Anything could happen, an AIDS sufferer could get hit by a car and die and there is no way that a computer could predict that happening. On the other hand, a cure could suddenly be found that would save that person and the computer would not see that coming either. I don't think it's right for a computer to tell you when you're going to die, I just think that that would place unnecessary stress on people who are already suffering.


A machine would not be able to set up a timeline for your life expectancy no matter how much data was fed into it.  As previous posters have pointed out, there are the little matters of luck and fate thrown into life.  A healthy person slipping in the bathtub or a sick person suddenly going into remission. 

Another factor that needs to be acknowledged is sheer human will.  I have worked in the healthcare field for many years.  I have seen very ill people greatly improve just when they set their minds to it, and I have also seen people go the other way very quickly when they just get tired of fighting.  The human spirit is something that can never be factored into any algorithm that can be programed into a computer.


That sounds interesting enough! I would like to know how accurate the result generated from the computer is.

However, I am concerned about another issue. Being the ones whose personal data are analyzed, I guess the patients should know that they are being assessed. If they know somebody is predicting when his death will be, would it have a negative effect on the patient's mental health?


I don't think that you could necessarily predict when someone would die, but I do think you could possibly get pretty close. I mean, of course you have the tragedies like murder, suicide, or car accidents... Obviously, no one can ever predict those; but, based on someone's health, you probably could predict within a 5 year range when their life might end. There are a few websites out there that have you enter your basic information, including how often you work out, what you eat, what supplements you take, any health problems, stress, etc... and it is supposed to predict your "Real Age"... So, even though you may really be 34, if you are not doing the right things health-wise, your "Real Age" might be 47.


Well, I haven't heard of this strange news before but having heard this now, my opinion is that I don't think that anyone can predict our death or any thing related to our future. I am a believer of Karma, which means what you sow is what you reap. I think we all are, after all, 'destined to the destiny' !