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Back to school


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Most school systems are either back in session or will be starting in the next week or so. My kids are home schooled so our school year never really ends. My husband is in culinary school and his classes started tonight for the fall semester. How do you and your kids feel about going back to school this year?

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My daughter is starting college this year. Her move-in date is August 28th. She is my only child. She is excited and I am terrified. We do so many things together (the two of us). I know that this is the next step in her life but I wish I had a few more years. She is only going to be two hours away!

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I have one in college, one living elsewhere, and four homeschooling - one is a senior, one is Kindergarten, and the other two are in between. We took a break over the summer, and start back Monday!

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My youngest starts university this September! She is excited and nervous at the same time. Her brother has been in university for three years so she has him to lean on if she needs help. I'm happy they are out of high school but university is one step closer to moving out and that makes me sad too, knchatty!

Edited by kad613
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