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Do you take your children into school when they are quite clearly very sick? A child turned up to school this morning with her nose running, her face flush, and when the teacher felt her head she was running a high fever. She looked rotten, very under the weather, yet her parents were unwilling to care for her, sending her to school instead.

Even if this you consider to be acceptable in normal circumstances, what of the current health issues? Swine flu is running rampant in our area and though it is a mild flu it is still unpleasant and its spread should not be encouraged. It is not fair to push it onto others.

Above and beyond that-because I believe that it is inevitable that we will experience this soon enough anyway-I was saddened for this four year old child whose parents packed her off to school despite the fact that she quite clearly needed to be snuggled up in bed with lots of love and attention.


The short answer to the question is: No.

I have seen this happen many times since my children started school. Sick kids, dirty kids, kids who haven't eaten in several days. It's terrible when parents do not take care of their children. I've known teachers who've called social services because of situations such as these.

The Swine flu is on a lot of people's minds right now. I am trying to avoid the media about it because I think they only add to the problem.


I have long said it and eventually really am going to make this a bumper sticker: Common sense is being bred out of the human species.

Guest Wayne

Sure people have common sense.  It is just that they forget it sometimes. 

As for a sick child being sent to school, maybe the child was not that sick when she was brought to school and it just came on there.  Or maybe she has a young mom that does not recognize these symptoms yet.  Who know, but there is usually another side to each story.


It was first thing in the morning that the child presented sick-her father was there with her-a man of I would guess forty years old, and he pleaded his case for the child to be allowed to stay in school.

The teacher refused and sent her home instead. I do not have confidence in the common sense that leads to this.

  • 2 weeks later...

Sometimes it`s tough when you have to work too. I was lucky that my mom owned her own business and she would put my child in the back room with pillows and blankets and of course a TV lol. A lot of people are under pressure to be at work or get fired. I really feel sorry for them. You just don`t know what to do. And I`m sure any parent that sends their child to school sick will worry all day. Well I would think they would cause I sure would.

  • 4 weeks later...

I agree with you, Kaseyfan9. It must be hard on those parents who are unable to find suitable carers at home when their children are sick. I'm thankful that my mom is at home to help me out.

Sadly however,there are a handful of parents (a really small minority, one hopes) who are oblivious to their children's wellbeing and it's left to the school/social welfare authorities to intervene when negligence is suspected.


I think people are losing what little common sense they have. I don't think it is just parents though. Employers of parents I find draw a really hard line sometimes and create pressure that leads to this sort of thing. I don't like working with a proverbial gun to my head but I find a lot of employers nowadays really are that way. People who are parents are often your most reliable and hard working employees yet they are forced to put their family second to their job or face the consequences.