laurenmg97 Posted January 27, 2017 Report Posted January 27, 2017 What is something you know now that you wish you knew when you were younger? What is the best advice you would give to your younger self? I think I would tell myself that my parents aren't really that bad and I should love them, and also that people aren't gonna stay in my life as long as I thought they would. Quote
tonijon Posted January 27, 2017 Report Posted January 27, 2017 Good advice laurenmg97. I think I would tell myself to watch my weight more closely and get on some kind of workout regimen that would carry me through my senior years. I would also tell myself to grow up and get over some of the things that hurt the most. Life experiences are sometimes hard. Quote
neoanderson Posted January 27, 2017 Report Posted January 27, 2017 If there's one thing I would tell my younger self, it would be applying for a job delivering pizza instead of working at a grocery store when I was seeking employment in 2008. I would have had way more money to afford great things I missed my window on if I had my pizza delivery job 5 years earlier than I did. Quote
CD2017 Posted January 28, 2017 Report Posted January 28, 2017 This is a good question we should all ask ourselves periodically throughout our lives! I would tell myself that time will go by faster as I get older, so I should try harder to stay consistently productive throughout each year instead of allowing myself so many "cheat days" as I work towards achieving my goals. I would tell myself to have an open mind and not get too discouraged, because the most amazing experiences I have enjoyed in my life have all been things that I thought were impossible to achieve. Quote
jjohn66 Posted February 1, 2017 Report Posted February 1, 2017 That would work great for me as because I've made many wrong decisions when was younger. I want to tell my younger self that parents can be less intellectual or educated than you but they are always right about life lessons. Quote
Vinnie Posted February 3, 2017 Report Posted February 3, 2017 I was very wrong at most time, My advice would be, be realistic and think about the aftermath of everything you do. It never ends in doing what your heart desires for there will always be consequences for every act we get involved in. Quote
twilson23 Posted February 3, 2017 Report Posted February 3, 2017 I would tell my younger self to stay the course and not go out and party as much as I did and definitely work on investing in my future. Knowing me I probably wouldn't listen, though. Quote
Simplify Posted August 23, 2017 Report Posted August 23, 2017 In addition to 100% telling myself what stocks to invest in, I would say do more fun things with family, and be more outspoken with them. Throughout my entire life, my family is will always grow with marriages, and newborns, and only get smaller with death. But they will always be there, so if anyone is going to know the real me, I want my family to know me. This doesn't always work out well in some families that insist on a status quo, but all families who love one another will only get stronger. But most importantly, would better allow me as an individual find my voice, and find it easier to stand my ground in the world with my stronger family foundation beneath me. Quote
Chirac Posted August 24, 2017 Report Posted August 24, 2017 Knowing myself from back then I couldn't tell myself anything. I was an angry kid who needed to rebel and wasn't mature enough to understand school. If I was able to listen back then I'd stay the course more. Hard to tell though, if you did all the right things when you were younger how did you learn the things you know today? Quote
Mariam27 Posted September 13, 2017 Report Posted September 13, 2017 "Do not be afraid" will be my advice to my younger self. I grew up being so scared of change, of expressing myself, of people, and of failing. These fears had held me to stay on my comfort zone and as I grow up I kept regretting why I was not brave enough. But, what is good in life is that as long as you are still alive you all have the power and opportunity to change yourself. Now, I started to face all of the things and situations that made me so afraid before. I love change and I even learned how to express myself to other people. I became more friendly and interactive with other individual and I took failures as a key to learn more and to succeed in what I am doing. Quote
Howard Posted September 13, 2017 Report Posted September 13, 2017 I'd tell myself to focus more on school and less on friends. Friends are good but when times get rough. You find out who your true friends are. I've learned that even though people claim that they're your friend. They really are sometimes not honest. They just tell you what you want to hear and than they use you for to get what ever it is that they want. Quote
PAnna Posted September 26, 2017 Report Posted September 26, 2017 Growing up, I was the shy child in class. I would stay quiet and keep opinions to myself for fear that I may be wrong, or that others may ridicule me. What i know now is that fear will only hold you back from achieving greatness. I have recently made a drastic change in my life, one that terrified me but I was determined to not let fear win once again. Having made that change, I feel so much more at peace and I am well on my way to becoming the person that I want to be. One message I would have for my younger self would definitely be to not let fear hold you back. Take that leap. You are strong enough to handle the outcome. Quote
OctoberBreeze Posted October 21, 2017 Report Posted October 21, 2017 "Study!" I would have told myself to study... I had so much trouble at College since I believed I needed to be involved in everything BUT studying! If I had studied more during my College years, I would have had many more scholarship opportunities right now. Quote
Sherrie Posted October 22, 2017 Report Posted October 22, 2017 I would tell my younger self to pay attention, and to keep my eyes on my goals. I made a lot of mistakes in my younger years, that I now regret. Quitting college, getting married too early, making my significant other more important than my own goals, and needs. I would tell myself, yes they are important, but your happiness is just as important. Do not put your dreams on hold, because later in life is too late, do it now. Pay attention to red flags in relationships, and trust your instincts, not those of others. Quote
WorriedGiglet Posted October 24, 2017 Report Posted October 24, 2017 I would say that you are working really hard with what you have been given, and to not worry at all about relationships, all of them will be different by the time you are 25. Quote
Kahpua Posted October 29, 2017 Report Posted October 29, 2017 This is very good advice. I think I would tell myself to be prepared for life’s disappointments and not to count on a promise someone makes you. I would also tell myself to work hard because nothing in life comes easy. Quote
ToonTrout Posted October 31, 2017 Report Posted October 31, 2017 It's interesting to see your responses so far on here. As for myself, firstly I would advice to set up a financial plan to follow. Investing and capital goes a long way according to meet a lot of peoples goals. Secondly I would prioritize working hard. There just is no substitute! Other than that I think I would just advice to live in the moment, invest yourself fully in what you do and let things that makes you smile be a priority! Quote
armystic Posted November 1, 2017 Report Posted November 1, 2017 If there is something I wish I have done at my younger age and given a chance to advise my young version then involving in the church activity is my number one. Because honestly when I was a child I am not acting as a Christian, I don't attend mass and even simple meeting at my church. That's why all I want to advise my self is to be a responsible disciple. Quote
Shailabh Posted November 3, 2017 Report Posted November 3, 2017 I was very shy when I was just young and went to college. I felt reluctant to talk to girls. Because of my shy nature, I lost many good moments of my college days. I would advise myself to change my nature Quote
Metaliberty Posted November 7, 2017 Report Posted November 7, 2017 I would tell my past self to look up certain health professionals and tell him that these health professionals hold some of the answers that I am looking for. I would also warn of severe mistakes that I made in life that were not worth the learning experience. Quote
handydandy Posted November 8, 2017 Report Posted November 8, 2017 I have thought about this a lot. I would tell myself never let emotion override reason and logic, always keep my standards high, and pray and trust God for guidance. Quote
Rexy Posted November 11, 2017 Report Posted November 11, 2017 I would have a lot of advice for my younger self. Probably that I shouldn't do drugs. When I was in my early teens I did try drugs a couple of times due to the fact that my friends did it. I definitely regret it today as I know it was really bad for my body, and the fact that I still did it was pretty frustrating. Quote
MattTolentino02 Posted November 18, 2017 Report Posted November 18, 2017 This is what I would say to an eleven-months younger version of me: "Quit your job right now. You recently got your tax refund and 13 month pay, that'll be enough to keep you going for the next few months. Choose to earn online. You won't have to sit anymore next to someone that you dislike. I have sent a comprehensive guide to wealth to your email. Thank me by following my advice." Quote
Zach Posted November 18, 2017 Report Posted November 18, 2017 If this was possible, it would probably have been the best thing I could ever have done. I would say to my younger self that he should focus on his family, and not too much about school, friends, and sports. Four months ago, my grandma passed ago away, and unfortunately, I did not have the chance to spend a lot of time with her. I used to spend a lot of time with her, but I stopped so that I could focus on school. Little did I know, that she didn't have a lot of time left due to her age. I would probably get extremely mad at my younger self because I really am mad right now. Right now, I guess all I can wish for is to be able to talk to my younger self, however, that's not a possibility. Quote
JonSilvers Posted November 23, 2017 Report Posted November 23, 2017 Good question. Jokingly, I'd probably give my younger self some tips on dating. However, the honest answer would probably be to tell my younger self to buy a lot of shares of Apple. Hopefully, my younger self would believe me. Quote
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