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Love to Cook or No?


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I confess, I do love to cook.  This is simply not the case with alot of people.  I love to try new recipes and use my various appliances, my favorite one being my slow cooker.  I like to find recipes that I can cook on the weekends.  On Sundays, I like to prepare something in the slow cooker because then there are leftovers that will be my lunch for the week.

What about you?  Do you like to cook?  Do you have a favorite appliance?


Oh how I wish that I enjoyed cooking, but I don't. Never really have. As a wife and a mom I cooked out of necessity of course. I absolutely loved when my husband and/or kids enjoyed what I prepared. That sense of accomplishment was as close to enjoying cooking as I ever got. Lol. I must add that my late husband was a grill master so I often made side dishes for family meals. I was so grateful for his contribution. 

Now my kids are grown and on their on. Surprisingly they both enjoy cooking. Maybe because they were forced to fend for themselves in those later teen years. I'm happy to enjoy the meals they now prepare for me. 

On 5/30/2017 at 1:36 PM, GeenNC said:

Oh how I wish that I enjoyed cooking, but I don't. Never really have. As a wife and a mom I cooked out of necessity of course. I absolutely loved when my husband and/or kids enjoyed what I prepared. That sense of accomplishment was as close to enjoying cooking as I ever got. Lol. I must add that my late husband was a grill master so I often made side dishes for family meals. I was so grateful for his contribution. 

Now my kids are grown and on their on. Surprisingly they both enjoy cooking. Maybe because they were forced to fend for themselves in those later teen years. I'm happy to enjoy the meals they now prepare for me. 

I have come across people in my life who truly are not big fans of cooking.  They do as little of it as possible and want nothing to do with it whatsoever.  The tradeoff always is that perhaps a significant other or spouse will take over the chore of cooking.  How wonderful for you that your children enjoy cooking and love to share their meals and prepared dishes with you. 


I don't like to cook but it also depends on my mood, when I feel bored and got nothing else on my agenda I cook just to kill my time but usually I prefer McDonalds over cooking due to my lack of time :-)


Life has changed so much over the years.  Our schedules have become consumed with technology, family, and a multitude of tasks that we need to complete every day.  Generally we tend to look to be able to complete tasks, such as cooking, as quickly as possible.

But I have to agree that when people's schedules are hectic and short on time, then usually the first choice is to purchase food already prepared, rather than cook a meal at home.  These days it feels as though, sometimes, there are not enough hours in a day.


I love to cook some dishes, but what I really prefer is watching other people cook.  I can make a spectacular omelet for example, but I'd prefer to watch is done on the food network.  And I can make a fantastic Thanksgiving turkey, but again, I'd rather watch it done.

Cooking can be fun, but it always seems to taste better when somebody else does the cooking (it just seems that way though...I really am pretty good at cooking some dishes).


I like to cook and I even went to school to learn how to cook. I think that cooking at home is best when you can do so, because you choose the ingredients and the flavors that you want, you control the quality and the quantity of the foods being prepared, and it is healthier overall.


I am really crazy about cooking. I love trying new recipes from different cuisines. Actually, it is food that adds spice to our life. It gives me a sense of pride and happiness whenever someone appreciates my cooking.

  • 3 weeks later...

I absolutely love to cook! It's a relaxing activity and it allows you to put your own twist on different recipes or even create your own dish. I love the different ways I can cook chicken and fish. I love to make my homemade jambalaya with tilapia and shrimp every now and then. When I'm not really up to cooking anything, I love to use the slow cooker. I can throw anything in my slow cooker and go about my business for a few hours and come back and have dinner ready. I feel as though the flavor and the juices all come together so much better when food is slow cooked. I love to use lemon and thyme when I slow cook a whole chicken. I also add onion and cream of chicken; it adds such a savory flavor to the gravy.

I also have my children help me prepare dinner sometimes. I think its a great idea to have children start early with cooking. Teach them simple things like peeling potatoes or washing the greens, that way they can acquire the skills of cooking as they get older and one day be able to prepare and cook food for themselves. They might even grow a love for cooking as they become older which could lead to a culinary career choice. Whether they will love to cook or hate it, it is still a skill that will be beneficial to them in the long run. I also look at it as a way to spend time together with my child.


I love to bake! But cooking... It's one of those household chores that must be done.

Now, if you'll excuse me: I'm going to shove some pizza's in the oven ;) 

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It depends on my mood. Sometimes I really don't feel like cooking and it feels like a chore, but other times I enjoy it! Especially if I have a glass of wine and have the radio on, it's fun to boogie around the kitchen as I'm cooking. What I really like about it is having home cooked food to eat, and as my husband hates cooking, the only way is to cook it myself ;) I must admit though, I do enjoy looking for new recipes. It's nice to try new things sometimes, and some of the recipes I try end up become regular favourites. 


I have a love of cooking that has only come about in the past few years.  It is a source of relaxation and a form of expression that I enjoy.  Being able to be creative, try different recipes and take inspiration from the seasons produce is therapeutic. 


I do like to cook, I have taken some cooking classes and really enjoyed them, but I almost never do it at home. I think it's because I don't have many appliances and can't make a lot of the thing's I'd like to try, so I don't enjoy it as much when I feel I have very limited options, my old apartment didn't even have an oven! I hope now that I've moved into a bigger apartment and have more room in the kitchen (and an oven) I'll be motivated to cook more, because I think I could definitely love it.

  • 2 weeks later...

I really enjoy cooking when I'm cooking for others. When it's just me, I'm not at all motivated to make something complicated. But when I'm cooking for others, I go all out! 


I also love cooking, especially for people who are dear to me. I love when I make a delicious or successful meal--I have failed at plenty of experiments--but when I nail it, and everyone cleans their plates and talks about how good the food was, well, that's a pretty awesome feeling. It also feels good when people associate you with a certain dish, and so, at times, they crave it and specifically request it--like my stuffed pork chops. I just made myself hungry.


I don’t love cooking. I know there are male folks who love to cook and can cook very well. But as for me, I can hardly cook even the simplest meal. Is not that I can’t cook, I can put some recipes together and prepare a delicious meal. The issue is just that I don’t like doing it. I think my lack of love for cooking is due to the fact that I’m a man. But that is not even an excuse because there are men who are great cooks.

Is a shame that I’m finding it difficult to cook even a simple meal.  Is it every time that I will depend on others to cook for me? What if I wake up one day and there is nobody to cook for me, what I’m going to do? I definitely need to work on myself in this regard.


Cooking is a great joy in my life. I especially love cooking for others, and when I make a meal that my friends or family love, it gives me the greatest feeling ever. It's like literally putting love from my hands and skill into the bodies of others. I like to experiment with new recipes, but I also like to preserve and to cultivate recipes which have been passed down through my family. We were poor, so there were many times that we relied on casseroles which provided leftovers, but these casseroles became nostalgic to me over the years. I still make my mom's tuna casserole, for instance, every now and then, and it takes me back to my childhood. On the other hand, I make much more complicated gourmet meals as well which I have discovered from recipe books, YouTube, and the Food Network.


No I would not say that I love to cook, but I do like it, sometimes anyways. I hate that I do not have the patience to learn to cook anything different. I would love to try new things and every time that I find an recipe that I might like to try, I look through the ingredients and find something that I have never heard of or something that I have never tried and then I decide against it. That is something I am working on, but I have always just stuck to what I know. I know it sounds crazy but one day I will try something new!


I wish I liked cooking more than I do.  I sometimes get excited about it, but right now as I'm trying to lose weight I've been more focused on just keeping track of the calories I'm eating than worrying about making anything fancy.  Maybe I can take some cooking classes and get more comfortable being in the kitchen.  It just comes naturally to some people, and I prefer following a recipe.


Yes. I love cooking and I try to make new recipes at least once a week. Electric Grill is my favorite appliance. Usually I cut the vegetables and fruits into different types of shapes and keep it in the grill. My favorite one is Sweet Potato Fries.


One of my guilty pleasures in life is cooking actually. Sadly however, my cooking choices are a bit limited as I have a diabetic husband, I have to be very careful about which ingredients I use and always count carbs, which is a shame, because I love carbs.. If I had to pick a favourite tool to use, it's certainly be a stir fry pan, I can do so much in it!

Of course though, I'll need someone else to do the dishes, hehe.


I love to eat so I must learn to love to cook. The good part of cooking is I enjoy doing it and the reward is, you can eat what you have made. I began to love cooking because my wife is a good cook. She had influenced me to try different types of dishes and persuade me to learn how to prepare them. At first I am bit hesitant but when I tasted my first chicken asparagus rissoto, I got hooked and I want to try more. Plus I felt that magical feeling of knowing you can make wonderful things with a simple kitchen ingredients. The love is still growing so I will still be cooking.


"Food is life" that's my motto. Even if this is true, the thought of cooking doesn't intrigue me. But once upon a time, I was a girl who liked to make muffins because of the TV commercials and stuff. So I decided to give it a try. Well, it ended up with a huge mess and a totally burnt red velvet muffin tray. Since then, I never liked cooking and never even tried to cook. But most of my uncles are expert chefs and they really try to get me to cook but the whole cake incident stole my passion to cook. It might sound a bit weird but it is true. Yet, it renders me utterly wordless to see my friends cook mind blowing meals. My best friend recently invited me over to dinner and she made a delicious Hawaiian pizza! The most hilarious thing is, that still doesn't inspire me to cook.


I used to love cooking! Cooking was a wonderful time in our house growing up and the kitchen  was the gathering place it was wonderful! As an adult I loved hosting and having dinner parties and having people enjoy my food. I have now come the realize the reason it was enjoyable was becasue it was on my timeline and I could force all these wonderful people to eat these random recipes becasue they were my guests. 

Now as a mother it seems quite the opposite for me. Trying to get supper made on time so we can move on with our night makes me feel rushed and wrecks the fun for me. Add in that the kids won't eat interesting things (or any things... Ha ha ha) and that my husband is also a picky eater makes it hard for me to enjoy cooking the same meals over and over that I know won't get wasted. 

I'm excited for when they are older to explore some new things and start using all the fun cooking contraptions that I have tucked away for the last few years! 

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