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How Has the Internet Changed Your Life? Or How Would Your Life Change if the Internet Disappeared?


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The way you respond to this topic will most likely depend on your age. Since I am 53 years old, there was no internet for more than the first part of my life, while both of my children have never been without it. It would be much easier for them to think about how their lives would change if there suddenly was no internet, while I can address both.

I was around 30 when the internet began to become a part of daily life. At first as a casual curiosity, but quickly becoming as much of a necessity at home as it already was at work.

The biggest change in my life m, from the internet, came when I was introduced to eBay, and could make extra money at home selling stuff I already had. Now I am branching out into other retail shops and different ways to make some extra money online, like writing  

As long as the Internet exists, and I can access it, I will always be able to make extra money. If the Internet disappeared, I would lose that ability and my standard of living would decrease. I think the Internet is here to stay, and the number of legitimate ways to make money online will continue to increase..




This is my favorite topic of all previous, in short Internet changed my life In a way that most of my friends and I myself hardly believe when I look back, 

internet made my life easy, Livable, Quickly and Now all my dreams are coming true just because of internet :-)

it alllows me to do businesses and some of them are automated, I don't have to spend all my time on it :')

If I wake up and Find that internet desappeared then that would be the end of my happy life, I would start over again to be where I am today.


This is a big topic.  It would be easy to write on and on and on about it.

I use the internet exclusively.  I don't even need television anymore.  I can get the news instantly (almost as it happens), and I can send emails, pay my bills, shop - everything!  It has changed my life and nearly everyone else's. 

But am I hooked on the internet?  I don't think so.  I am one of those people that like to get away to places where there is no internet!  If the internet disappeared, then life was just be less convenient.  Sure, technology was not continue to advance as quickly without it, but a lot of the problems the internet has created would also disappear. 


If the internet disappeared yesterday, that would spell tragedy for our economy. So much is now done online, could you image trying to go back to the old ways? We would all be scrambling to get things done, and there are so many people alive right now who have never known what it was like to live without it! As with everything, you must use the internet in moderation and don't let it consume you.

  • 3 weeks later...

The internet in my perspective portrays the surrealistic scenario where the George Jetson's Family meets The Fred Flintstone's Family. The twist in this case is that both families are alter egos of myself and others. This sheds a light on what can be classified as "The Internet of Things." That is to say how things were before the internet, how things are and can improve as a result of the internet today and what things would be like if the internet disappeared. First of all, I'm perhaps what would be classified as Generation X(*born in late 70's - early 80's*), which is just about when the internet was introduced to the world. In this day and age, that may not mean much to people who can jump online and catch up on an infinite amount of years and knowledge from the world over, but for my bunch It's definitely another reason to appreciate this phenomenon. The internet presents a world of endless ideas and possibilities which truly imparts on an inception conception. This presents a beacon from which our world can collectively advance our abilities and brain power beyond the human percentile which was once identified as the proverbial limitations of mankind. Anything that shatters a once forseeable limitation upon the human race, pretty much like the internet has done and is currently advancing thereupon, will exist in some shape, form or aspect indefinitely. As such this is one of those intriguing circumstances where we can ultimately flip the scenario and consider not what things would be like if the internet disappeared but rather what will the future of the internet look like when we the patrons of this portal move on ourselves onto the great beyond.


The internet, for me, has been one of the best creations man has ever put on Earth. It is a significant part of our everyday life that has changed our way of living.

With the growing software technologies and the evolution of the internet, you can use it as a tool to look for jobs online, discover new friendships, and stay connected with family and friends. You can go to school online, and shop for any and every thing imaginable. You're also able to conveniently conduct business online. Type a question into a Google search engine, and get a response with an abundance of information, articles and websites to help you find your answer.

However, the internet can also be a threat to the safety of the user. Too much of your information can be available to criminals using the internet for illegal activity. For example, when you input credit card information, social security numbers, birthdays, names and addresses online you are putting yourself at risk. To add on, since there is no real way to verify one's identity, children can also be exposed to inappropriate content displayed on websites and advertisements.

There is a multitude of pros and cons for using the internet. I believe that the internet can be more beneficial than not if the user is taking advantage of computer protection software. Also, anyone using the computer has to be mindful of what information they allow to be seen online.

The internet can be of great benefit if incorporated properly into everyday life, but there are certain precautions that should be taken before putting personal information on the internet.

  • 2 weeks later...

It's unfathomable really how much the internet has changed our lives. I was born in 1991 so am part of that generation that experienced the dawn of the internet and more advanced personal technology in our childhoods. I remember the days where it was nothing more than a tool really where you could just read basic web pages and look at blurry images and video hoping your mum wouldn't use the phone and disrupt the old dial-up modem. The fact that it has went from that to now being pretty much omnipresent in most people's lives is incredible, and if it were to go away now I think the whole world would cease to function. And that's not an exaggeration, that's just how important it has become in the modern world.

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