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Back to the gym


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It’s New Year’s Day in July! I went back to the local gym. On the first day, I got the pitch for a personal trainer. I think I can make a go of training alone. I’m recovering from a pretty horrible back injury and I think it will be rewarding to get fit by myself. I love taking on a challenge independently, almost as much as I distrust a judgy gym crowd!


I used to go to the gym regularly and while I loved the results, I found it to be very time and energy consuming. And I didn't have the spare time or energy to keep going. I prefer working out at home because it takes less time, but an actual gym is definitely more motivational. It's harder to procrastinate and slack around when you're surrounded by people who are working out, even if they're not judging you. Though sometimes, it's a hassle to get to the gym and I'm more likely to just get up and work out where I'm at. So there are good and bad sides to both of the choices I had. I do sometimes think about going back to the gym. If I had more free time, I'd probably do it, but for now I'm sticking to training at home.

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