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How to control sudden anger?


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Nowadays I feel anger at anything and everything. Slightest disturbance in the atmosphere makes me angry like a mad guy. I don't want to consult a psychotherapist yet. How to overcome this situation. This is ruining my social life. Hope u guys can help.

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I usually go and do physical activity. I convert the anger into working out or sports. Once you do this you can feel the anger going away and its a great feeling. So if you are ever angry. Try finding a sport or working out. The anger goes away AND you can get in a nice work out

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My best advice is to take a couple of deep breaths and remove yourself from the situation. Then, distract yourself with some other activity. When you think back on it later, you're likely to be more rational. 

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As  a person given to Faith, I believe that anger is a spirit, and as such getting rid of it requires a divine touch. One can try various human tactics, one of which is to refrain from talking(responding)immediately, when someone gets you angry; that has proved quite effective in controlling anger, but it doesn't totally get rid of it. The best way to get a 'cure', if you want to call it that, is to pray it out - that means making a conscious effort to ask God in prayer for help to get rid of it. 

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I've read a couple of books from Deepak Chopra and he has helped me learned a lot about myself. I used to have my bursts of anger throughout the day, like any other person. Then I understood that the person I was angry at, many times did not know I was angry at them. So I had all these feelings bottled up inside, and was only hurting myself because my so called target, the other person, was completely unaware. I see this with a lot of my customers, and my advice would be to ask yourself if it;s really worth ruining your day over what someone did or said. Chances are other people are unaware that you're mad, and even if they know you're mad they might not know the exact reason. Be more verbal and let someone know why you're angry. Even if you're alone in a room, talk it out with yourself. We are after all our best companions,after all. I also agree that you should see a professional if i'll make you feel better. In my personal experience, talking things over with friends was enough to show me that I was only hurting myself by holding on to my anger. Hope this helps!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My advice to you is that you can do breathing exercises or yoga sessions. It can relieve your stress and anger. You can also reduce stress resulting to sudden anger by releasing it through singing. It helps me to relax and I hope it will work the same for you. Good luck.

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I used to get angry and stressed very easily. It's a trait I got from my Dad.

But 2 things helped me stop being like that:

  1. Thinking about all the times I had to deal with my Dad and his anger and how I really really didn't want to end up angry and stressed like him.

  2. Sometimes you need to take a breath and take a step back. Look at the situation you're in, is it worth getting angry over? Also think about how insignificant the issue is. Think about how little this will affect you, your life, and the universe. The universe could not care less about this situation and whatever you do in it will be insignificant. I don't know why but for me doing that usually immediately mellows me out.

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I have had massive explosive anger in the past. It was badly effecting my marriage. My wife almost left me. So I signed up to see a shrink at a hospital. They gave me prescribed drugs that help me feel at ease. Because I'm now medicated. I feel a lot better. I can relax. I don't trip out over every little thing. Things don't bother me as badly. I can now happily say that I can take things with a grain of salt. 

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Whenever I get angry with someone, I always try to control that anger. We cannot show our anger to strangers or people who are not close to our heart. I will let out my stored anger by scolding or talking loudly when I am alone. The simplest way to control anger is to divert your attention immediately to some other thing. Closing the eyes and taking a long deep breath for few minutes will help us to become calm. Giving punches to the pillows is also an easy way to control anger.

We should not suppress our anger for a long time as it will reduce our mental strength and make us weak. 

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The easiest way to control a sudden anger is to keep silent and never speak in a couple of minutes. Never talk during the state of your sudden anger because you can never stop your mouth if you already start having conversation. Then give your self a short pause and start relaxing to neutralize your temper. That is an effective thing to do as I do it every time I encounter the state of anger.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anger, though being one of those negative emotions is healthy;  it only becomes bad when it gets out of our control making the person to resort to improper, unsociable or even violent behavior.  The good thing about it is that the emotion can be controlled, all you need is to do is learn self control measures. It also helps if you can take a deep breath, walk away from the scene as a "first aid" treatment to avoid getting angry.

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Anger is a cankerworm that's seen in everyone. It can lead one to doing actions that are regretted later. However, if you're angry with anything or anyone, the best method to eliminate anger is to talk a walk outside a fresh air area and remove your mind from the things that made you angry in the first place. Another way is to go grab a beer at a pub down the road, watch your favorite game with some friends and talk your pet for a walk. Whenever I'm angry, I would just pick up my bike and go for a long ride, especially driving through the country side or have a mini picnic with a loved one. Doing any of these will control your mental strength.

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