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Why Do People Cheat?


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Have you ever went into a relationship and been cheated by your partner?Well, I think cheating is common to people.There are people out there with the same story like yours and me.But when I think about it over again, this question comes to my mind "why do people cheat?".I tried to find some reasons that might answer my question.I came to this four reasons:

  1. Unsatisfied - People tend to cheat because of unsatisfaction feeling with their partner or with the things they already have.They tried to find the solution by trying new things and looking for another partner which they think can fill what is missing in their life.
  2. Falling out of love - Some people cheat on their partner because they fall out of love with her/him.This may be the hardest situation to the couple especially to the married couple when love is not there anymore.
  3. Boredom - Sometimes people want to explore new things in their life.One reason for people to cheat is that they feel bored with their relationship that leads them to try something challenging like cheating.
  4. Pleasure - Pleasure is what most people looked for.As we all know, the world is full of temptation.and it is not surprising why people cheat.

Although those mentions above are not acceptable as an alibi, we also have to look to ourselves why someone cheats us.Maybe the fault is with us too.Let us consider those reasons and find ways to make things right.


In my own opinion, I think the reason why people cheat is because of their lack of self control and also being pressured by your peers. If someone has self control he or she will not cheat no matter the situation. Also, being under peer pressure can make someone to cheat because you want to be accepted by your friends.


People cheat for a lot of reasons if you ask them. Even though we know that some people will choose to cheat for no justifiable reason, because it is just how they are.

Lack of affection and attention are the major reasons why people cheat. The lack of these, leads them to feel depressed and frustration sets in. The alternative for them under the circumstance, leads them to seek these attention and affection they long for outside their current relationship.


Undoubtedly there are lot of reasons why people cheat but according to relationship experts, the most common reasons include: Lack of proper communication, couple losing true appreciation of one another, lack of physical and emotional intimacy day to day among others.


People cheat because they think they can get away with it without the consequences. It seems like an easier way than to do things than being honest and hardworking. They also see others doing it and decide to go along with the tide. But of course, honesty is still the best policy in the long run. It's in man's nature to cheat because we are sinners. But God is able to change us so that we can live a life that is pleasing to him. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says that if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. He can give us the ability to live rightly.


It's just human nature to want what we can't have. Once you're in a relationship, you're "stuck" (for lack of a better word) with one person and can't have anyone else and that's what makes that more attractive. How many times have you really wanted something and it stopped being a big deal once you got it? That's why I think open relationships might be a better idea than it seems.


In my own opinion, there are many reasons that can make one cheat on one's spouse.

1. LACK OF TRUE LOVE: In the absence of true love in between two lovers, there is possibility of cheating from either of the two parties or both. Lack of love can stir up inconsiderate feeling of lust.

2. SEXUAL URGE INCOMPATIBILITY:  When a couple is sexually incompatible, there will be feeling of sexual dissatisfaction from the partner at the recieving end and this can cause him or her to cheat.

3. DISTANCE: If a couple are living far apart from each other, there could be temptation to cheat.

4. POVERTY: If you know what poverty can cause in a family, you will never underestimate its power. Married women tend to cheat on their husbands if the husband is experiencing financial difficulties and the wife wants to meet up with her social demands. Although this can also happen the other way round.

5. SOCIAL MEDIA TEMPTATIONS: Many married couples have fallen victims of social media temptations as a result of their unguided feelings and interactions on social media like Facebook, Whatsap, online dating sites among  others.

There are many other reasons but I just itemized some of them over here.


People cheat because of lack of trust for their partners and their desires to get sexual satisfaction outside their homes. Some do it to get back at their spouses while many others are addicted to seeking pleasurable time with different partners.


There's definitely no straight answer as to why people cheat, but a few reasons aside those mmentioned above can be associated with behavioural cheating. 

A long distance relationship is one very common reason why people oftenly cheat on their partners. A long distance relationship eliminates the driving force of any relationship which are obviously distance, lack of presence and comfort, in-person communication and a lot more. No relationship can work out well without this factors. 

Character and behaviour is another reason why people cheat. Fallen in love is the easy part and in most cases it happens very fast. As we go deep into the relationship, we begin to uncover issues with our partners that draws a barrier line which in time becomes intolerable. Instead of learning to live with such, we look for solace elsewhere eventually leading to lost of interest and fallen out of love with our partners. 

The reasons go on and on with a few like changes in the body or appearance of either partner, seeking of better standard of living mostly associated with ladies who fell in love for material reasons and so on. I think this are a few reasons why people cheat. 


People cheat because it's easy and there really aren't any social repercussions. Standards were different in the past......remember reading The Scarlet Letter  in high school? Maybe not, but there used to be a social consequences for cheating. Now, it seems that cheating has become acceptable and not only with a loved one. Politicians cheat, professional sports players cheat, corporate executives cheat. In short, the people that once deserved respect for their position in life have by and large become a bunch of cheaters. I can see why people lack the moral backing to resist temptation.

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