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You are an original


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I was having a discussion with a friend and she made a statement, actually a quote by John Mason; "YOU WERE BORN AN ORIGINAL, DON'T DIE A COPY"

It just reminded me of my experience way back in secondary school. 
Back then I was fond of copying note from others I don't know why though, but anyways, I noticed that any time I was copying from someone with a small handwriting, my handwriting becomes smaller and uglier, if it's from someone with a big handwriting, mine becomes bigger and uglier.
The more I tried to write like someone else (no matter how beautiful the person handwriting was), the uglier mine becomes.

Well, this is how some persons live their life, they try so hard to live others life that they live behind their originality.

God made you an original. There can be only one you and that is you, so don't waste your life being someone else.

You are original and unique.
Original always stands out. Nothing compares to the original not even the photocopy. Though they have the same content, not everyone accepts photocopy. 
So be you, be original cause that's what makes you beautiful.
You are ORIGINAL and UNIQUE...

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi. I like your comment about trying to copy others writing or trying to be someone else. I know too God has made all of us as an original. I use to try being other teenagers when in Junior and high school. Well, it did not work so I stopped trying to do that. I learned to love and like myself being the way God made me.


Every person is unique and no one has the same characteristics, talents, personality, etc. If we would all embrace our individuality and make the most of our uniqueness, there would be less jealousy, animosity and hatred in the world. Too many people don't use what they have because they are too busy trying to copy what someone else has. People are often jealous of one another for what they can do or what they have instead of simply being grateful for what they can do and doing their best at that. 

My Mother used to say "Stay in your lane" meaning do what you are given to do and don't get in someone else's lane trying to do what they have been given to do. When people do this, they create a traffic jam because you are out of your lane and instead of moving steadily in your lane, you are trying to get going in someone else's lane and you are in the way, holding up traffic. 

If everyone would focus on their abilities and just try to do the best they can, they will improve their skills or get stronger in their own talents, then they can help improve this great world we live in. 

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