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Who are your friends


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Who do you spend your time with?
Do they add to you or reduce you. Your friends matter alot. Every time you spend is invested, so you are either investing in productive things or you are investing in destructive things.

The Bible says: "Iron sharpens iron" to remain sharpened, you must mingle with like minds.

Your network is your networth.
You are the average of the people you spend the most time with.  Move with four foolish persons and you become the fifth.

Ever wondered why you don't see an eagle mingling with chickens, or a lion in the midst of goats? It's because they know the power of networking.
So again I ask: who are your friends?

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Friend are the ones who help you in difficult times and support you whenever you need . I personally like to try my friends with different methods , for example to call them one hour later saying I need them

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