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Things we ignore


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  • 4 weeks later...

Negligence is a very risky act. Sometimes, we ignore water spilled on the kitchen floor and we think of cleaning that later. Sometimes, we ignore that phone call or text message that comes to our phone. We say 'I will get that later'.

But then, what happens if someone slips on the wet floor?

What happens, if the call was an emergency call.

It's not always good to ignore things.


I think the most dangerous thing people ignore is potential character flaws in an intimate relationship. When you're getting to know someone it's easy to dismiss potential red-flags as "maybe he didn't mean it" or "maybe there's more to the story" or "maybe I misunderstood." But in reality, when people show you who they are, it's best to listen. 


For me the most dangerous thing we ignore is when someone disagree with our opinion and we are to pround to hear the truth and we feel like "Why is he/she telling me that !? i Know better..." this is wrong. We learn until we die so never pretend you are "The one" or that you are perfect, because always will be someone better then you.

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