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Should all drugs be made legal?


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I struggle with the idea of allowing the masses to partake in any kind of drug filled experience they desire. But on the same note i think it should be the individuals right to ruin their life if they truly wish. We're often told we live in the land of the free, but everywhere i look i see contradictions to that statement. In my eyes, if all drugs were legal it would make the process of acquiring safe products way more reliable. It will cut down on violent drug crimes, as well as give the government more money through taxation of those items. What do you think?

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I don't think it will be a better idea if all drugs were legalised.Take an instance of the most abused drug by the youth, "marijuana", if its legalised then will end up losing a lot of youths because we all know its got very worst side effects.

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  • 5 months later...

Drugs being legal have their advantages and the opposite . 

The benefits of drugs  being legal (my opinion) 

-The profit that government and create a lot more jobs for chemists . 

-Less people going to jail for possession of  drugs for their own use . 

-Paradoxically drugs would be much safer to use because they wouldn't be mixed  with other drugs for dealers profit. 

Regulating drugs would end wars in countries where the plants for drugs are grown . 

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  • 3 months later...

Whether or not drugs are legal, people will find a way to consume them. If they are legalized and regulated by the government, this will prevent the existence of black markets and criminal organizations from distributing them. This will make consumption safer for citizens. For example, when alcohol was illegal during Prohibition in the United States, alcohol consumption INCREASED, as did the power of the mob and criminal organizations that made and distributed it.

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Honestly, I think that whenever something is made illegal, people still find a way to consume it. If drugs were legal, maybe people would be more open to seeking treatment to something caused by the drugs they take, from physical problems to addiction. Alcohol is legal, and there are countless horrible incidents every day involving it that result in injury, death, or worse, so I don't see why drugs should be viewed in a different light. 

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