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Religion used as fear propaganda?


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No matter how hard i seem to try, religion has never registered as being the absolute truth to me. This goes for any man made religion ever made. I believe that god is in all of us, as well as being all around us. Each persons experience is unique and should be deciphered on a person to person basis. If getting in touch with god was as easy as going to church every sunday then whats the point? I cannot subscribe to any fear based propaganda in regards to the intricacies of our human existence. Unfortunately that eliminates virtually every mainstream religion out there. I think the installment of wide spread religions happened to cause a rift in universal consciousness to further disconnect us from "the real source." 


I do agree with your saying, 'the religion is used as a fear propaganda' and also your saying, '  I cannot subscribe to any fear-based propaganda in regards to the intricacies of our human existence'

A man born in a particular religion may or may not necessarily feel like hanging on to the belief or orthodoxy of the religion in to which he belongs. When a person attains the age of thinking, he will form his own ideas about 'GOD' and what is good and what is bad. So, there is no use in making people hang on to the religion in which he was born, and practice all that is taught by that religion because taking birth in any particular religion will not be in anybody's hands.


Since old time, religion used as a method for controlling people and a form of power. Unfortunately,  nowadays nothing has changed in some regions. But, probably, religion gives hope to some people.

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