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Stop complaining about life.


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People love to cry and complain about everything in life. Can you just stop? I understand that life sucks sometimes. I feel that too. There's times I want to complain about things but I realized there's nothing I can do about it. Just deal with it the best way you can and move on. 

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  • 1 month later...

Life is a deck of cards, and you are dealt a hand when you come into it. All you can do is play the hand you've been dealt the best way you can. Stick, twist or fold, the choice is yours. Just make sure you haven't got the joker.

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What people actually love is the attention they get from complaining to an audience. Social media has given us all our own personal "fan club".  Why bother actually trying to fix the problem instead of  broadcasting it on social media and receiving validation from your legion of Facebook followers?

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This is honestly a topic that means a lot to me. In the past, I was called an “I’m fine-er.” I didn’t want to burden anyone else. I didn’t complain, I didn’t talk about it, and I didn’t ask for help, I just solved the issue... until I couldn’t solve the issue. I gained great problem-solving skills professionally, but when I didn’t talk to my loved ones when I had personal or emotional things I needed to sort through, that sometimes caused me to spiral into dark places. 

I think there should be balance: learn to lean on your loved ones but also grow some thick skin. 

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Am multe intrebari de pus,raspunsuri de primit.Ce este viata, si ce suntem noi defapt? Viata este o piesa ieftina de teatru,iar noi niste marionete in mainile destinului ,doar ca noi avem suflet, avem sentimente,si tot ce se intampla in jurul nostru ne afecteaza intr-un fel sau  altul radem,plangem,zambim,ne intristam…Ne place sa visam, pentru ca in vis putem fi orice vrem, alti oameni, putem zbura , putem vedea lucrui, care nu le vedem in realitate. Pe urma deschidem ochii si totul se naruie, visele se sparg de geamul realitatii atat de crude,iar dorintele se spulbera, si se risipesc in vant.Asta e realitatea pe care o traim zi de zi. Crezi ca ar fi frumos sa fim totusi niste marionete fara suflet?…sa nu simtim nimic,defapt sa traim degeaba

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It is true people always complain about life. Bu the question is that '' Do we really value what God has given to us?'' May be what I have and still struggling to get more, there is somebody over there also wish to get just one-third of what I have. So let us value what God has given us so that we will stop complaining about life.

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  • 2 months later...
On 8/20/2018 at 11:35 PM, SommerMadness said:

People love to cry and complain about everything in life. Can you just stop? I understand that life sucks sometimes. I feel that too. There's times I want to complain about things but I realized there's nothing I can do about it. Just deal with it the best way you can and move on. 

I can stop doing this. But… what answer do you want to hear?

I hate listening to this, too. But I guess it depends on the people who surround you, your community. For instance, when I was a student and worked at the glossary shop, everyone complained and cried. And it was extremely difficult to handle. And that time, it seemed that everyone in the world does this.

But, on the other, better job, everything was completely different. So, dear author, maybe it’s just your community?

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's quite good to complain about what is happening to your life, you can cry and shout about your frustrations. After wiping your tears you have  self reflection and you will realize how great our God is. Love life, renew and pray.

There are a lot of people suffer more than we thought.

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The negativity that surrounds people is contagious! Sure, we are all guilty of complaining once in a while but the chronic complainers are a bit annoying. Please quit focusing on the negative and look for something positive. Life is hard, work is sometimes a pain, money is tight, your boyfriend is a jerk, etc.. Yes, we all have problems, but the happiest people don't dwell on the bad, they focus on the good. Once you change your mindset, it's amazing how much happier your life can be.

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On 8/21/2018 at 4:35 AM, SommerMadness said:

People love to cry and complain about everything in life. Can you just stop? I understand that life sucks sometimes. I feel that too. There's times I want to complain about things but I realized there's nothing I can do about it. Just deal with it the best way you can and move on. 


Hi. I do understand that some people are melodramatic but for some it's their way of releasing stress. People have their own ways on how to get rid of bad feelings. For some it is easier to be silent about something they do not like and just ignore it. On the other hand, other people like to brag about things just to let out of their hard feelings especially when it has been kept for a long time. Humans are only humans. It is fine to cry and complain as long as you are not hurting anyone around you. But as much as you can, try to be relax at most of the time.

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While I understand that it can be annoying to hear people complain, I don't think it's fair to say people need to stop talking about their circumstances in an honest way. If life hurts you, why should you pretend otherwise? For some socially-programmed need to save face? Freedom of speech exists for a reason. Some people really do just have it worse than others and I don't think they should keep quiet about it. If they do, how is anything going to change? 

And, sometimes, complaining is how someone cries for help. Rather than push them away, we should try to reach out to the person suffering and ease their discomfort in any way we can. For instance, people with backgrounds of abuse tend to not know how to socialize correctly; sometimes, the person constantly whining about how cold it is or how much their job sucks just doesn't know how else to convey how unhappy they are with their life. 

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