pristinechristine Posted October 22, 2018 Report Posted October 22, 2018 Perhaps I might sound as if I am whining, and maybe I am. Age is just a number, they say. Here I am to agree to that. I am an adult, according to my age and expectations of society. I am an adult, according to the maturity of my physique. Therefore, I have to act like an adult, and it was not so long ago that I came to this realization. Adulthood is frightening and I don't know about you, but for me, that day of realizing that I had to be an adult haunted me for a while. "I can't wait to be an adult!", said 10-year old me. Seventeen years later, here I am writing this, as I am thinking of how idiotic it was of me to be so eager for this phase of life. Being an adult is nowhere near wonderful. We have to learn about taxes, manage a family, manage our finances. We have to engage or at least be aware of political issues. Those are possibly the simplest and fewest examples of adult-ing that I can mention, because truthfully, I have yet to experience the more complex areas of adulthood. Not to mention, finding a life partner is also more challenging than ever before. It went from "I want a person who loves me" to "Can this person manage money? How bad is his/her temper? Does he/she have psychological problems that might affect me in the future? Is he/she aiming to be a better person?". And it just goes on and on. I didn't have to think of a life partner when I was a kid, and boy, those were the best days (years) of my life. I find myself looking back at how much easier life was when I was that 10-year old kid. I thought life was hard because kids at school would steal my favorite colored pencils, the ones I got from a really fancy store back then. I thought life would reward me with stickers and toys, like what my favorite elementary math teacher did. I do believe that better days are ahead, heck, I sure hope so! But for now all I can say is, adult-ing is tiresome, and I would like to think that it's alright to complain every so often. We are only human after all. Quote
bricobill Posted December 9, 2018 Report Posted December 9, 2018 I am 34 years old and do not act like an adult but i thought a lot of the same thoughts and have a lot of nagging doubts about the future. What have i achieved what am i going to achieve. I find it all very daunting and i do not like the feeling life is slipping away. its also pretty boring being an adult i mean normal things are great but jeez, i to can not help but to look back wistfully and pine for the days of jager bombs and late rent payments. My teenage years was 'just one long line' of fun and frolicking. As you said tho i am sure things will get better we just have to find that groove and we are away i just really hope it doesn't take to long. Quote
Lena Lvova Posted December 10, 2018 Report Posted December 10, 2018 I can completely relate to this - we really didn't know how good we had it back when we were kids! I often find myself nostalgic of days when I didn't have to worry about how I'll pay my next gas bill, or stressing over the fact that I can't seem to find a life partner. Perhaps it was the fault of the adults in our childhood lives for making it all seem so glamorous, or maybe the influence came from the media. Either way, I don't think there's anything wrong with a little complaining now and then - we deserve it. Quote
FIREWOMAN Posted December 11, 2018 Report Posted December 11, 2018 I can remember as a child complaining to myself about how much I hated being a child. I could not wait until I was old enough to do what I wanted when I wanted. At the time it seemed like such a burden to have people tell me what to do or how to do it. I mean I just knew I COULD DO IT BETTER. what a joke … I am 42 years old and I am here to say that becoming an adult is overrated. How I wish I could go back to the time when my only upset was an adult telling me I couldn't do it.... now my biggest upset is because I did do it.. No one tells you adulthood comes with Bills ,Judgement, criticism, ungratefulness, kids that hate you because they want to be adults now.... the Cycle ..but I have learned in this adulthood that everything is perception. As a kid perception is all your problems is because you are a kid... as an Adult perceptions now you are an adult all you have is problems... key lesson.... Change your perception Change your thought that "adulting is tiresome " Quote
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