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Why people aren’t reading books as much as they did before


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When you enter a public transport nowadays, can you notice anyone reading a good old classic book?

I know what you’re about to say, that people read books on the gadgets, such as smartphones. Here I would be wise enough to oppose your statement, and call it wishful thinking.

When people use gadgets in public transport nowadays, it’s because they’re playing a game, chatting with someone or watching a movie. It’s not like in early 2000's, when people would hold books or newspapers to read.

The primary reason for it is the fact, that we all became too lazy. We want more action. We think we know a lot and it bores us to know even more. Reading book requires patience, but our century has a very fast traffic of life. World goes fast, and we just can’t find any spare time in order to gather patience to read a book.

Do you concur?


I would respectfully disagree with you. Literacy rates and publishing rates are higher than they've ever been in human history. Likewise, audio books are easier to access and more popular than ever before. Additionally, I would disagree with your statement that people have become lazy. If anything, more people are working longer hours than they used to to keep up with the rising cost of living in an increasingly modernized world.


I will say that reading books is something that is not as prevalent as it was in the past but reading is. Before people didn't really read unless they bought a book or was looking for directions or information etc. Now a days with use of smart phones and portable laptops tablets etc. reading is something that people do without even realizing it.  Reading messages or emails . The ability to purchase books online or read blogs  all of these things have in my opinion have only sparked a rise in reading literacy maybe not by way of books .


I totally agree with firewoman. I believe that nowadays, people are reading more but not in a traditional way like reading a book. Because of the internet information is just one click away. This leads to people reading a lot in a more convenient and flexible way than reading a book. We can read anywhere because information has become very accessible. Knowledge is just a click away. People are hungry for knowledge, especially in this tough society. Therefore, there is a rise in literacy rates. 

  • 5 months later...

We live in a time and age where information is bombarding us from all sides and attention spans are decreasing. The average reader is spoiled for choice, not only when it comes to the genre, but also the medium. There are audio books, smart devices for reading books, news sites, book review sites, blogs and even sites that summarize for you the contents in books that you haven't been able to find time for.

There's plenty for all kinds of readers. Here, I would like to quote the case of an elderly uncle of mine. He has always been a voracious reader (in the traditional sense - reading books), but has nowadays switched his loyalties over to a messaging app! He says the app's messages provide him a wealth of information day in and day out. 

So there's lots of reading happening - It's just that there have been lots of additions to the choice of media over the years, which makes us think and feel that book reading is on the decline.


Maybe because of technology. You see there are ebooks where you can read it on your cellphone, tablet or personal computer.Nowadays, people adapted the paperless method. Lesser paper lesser garbage and you can also save mother earth. More books to read more trees to cut you see you can destory what we have been protected. People now are more wiser and smarter. That's why technology is born and make everything easy and accessible to us.


I totally agree with you.  Nothing compares to the experience of holding a good book in your hands.  This might be a little strange to some of you, but I adore the smell of books.  There is something quite nostalgic about a library to me.  That scent takes me back to my childhood where I first fell in love with reading.  While reading on a tablet is convenient, it’s not the same experience.        

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