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Do like writing? How did you fall into it?


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Words if penned by a writer’s hand is a masterpiece. The beauty of a literary piece resonates semblance of creativity that spoke a lot about the writer’s perspective. Writing is a calling and it is a not so easy challenge. And I might say I am one of those who took the call. Whatever is genius in us might be worth sharing. Thus, my first book was born out of love and patience. I hope that it will inspire others to live their life the best they can be.

  • 2 weeks later...

@MelanthaKrasos Your story is beautifully spoken. I agree with you that writing is difficult. To make sense of the human experience on a page is challenging to say the least. 

For me, writing has always been instinctual. Whenever I went through anything in my life, I felt the need to put it down on paper. The thoughts racing around in my head fueled a need to create. I value writing as an extension of my mind, and I use it as my platform for self-expression. 

  • 3 weeks later...

I've always loved writing and reading. I am a book lover and I've always admired the authors and those beautiful worlds they create in front of us.

I clearly remember when I was 12-14 maybe, how I wanted to be a blogger. So, I've made one, and sat in front of the computer for hours wondering how on earth those bloggers are managing this? How do they have so many articles? How do they know what to write about? And how do they know so much about this topic? Am I stupid?

I've quitted pretty soon and never thought about it again until recently. Now I have a beauty blog and I very well know what to write about and  I know how to be educated on the topic. So I wasn't stupid back then, I just didn't have the knowledge needed to manage a blog. 

And I love working on my blog, writing articles, researching new topics to write about, everything. Even though I don't make any income as a blogger yet, this is my childhood dream and it makes me happy just working on it and growing it. It will make an income soon enough, I am sure of it!

  • 6 months later...

One of the only regrets I have is not completing a degree in creative writing when I was an undergrad. My reasoning was pretty flimsy: I disliked an instructor who was extremely uninspiring for me. She had a mechanical approach to her class presentations and, in retrospect, I think that she may have been less than excited to have been teaching young plebiscites she felt had no idea of what it took to write creatively. Of course, I never asked and eventually dropped the class and returned to a major in human services.

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