Alyssa Eddy Posted February 2, 2019 Report Posted February 2, 2019 Dear Me, I hope you are doing well and thriving in life like you should be. I hope you stop letting people treat you badly and start treating yourself better. You are the only person in this life that you can always count on. It sucks but it is true. I wish you the best. Love, Me Quote
marinabalkandzhieva Posted February 27, 2019 Report Posted February 27, 2019 Dear me in 5 years, I know you're good enough to keep things on track. And I am pretty sure we have a new member of our family. One sweet little baby girl, so our son is not alone and bored! I hope you've managed to get that degree already. You've delayed it long enough. Although maybe after all those years they'll just give it to you without question! Another thing I hope you did is to take your driving license. I am currently struggling to carry our 2-years old son, even though I weight almost like him. I don't want to picture you carrying two of them... And let's hope we'll manage to avoid this problem with the second one... Another thing I am pretty sure you did is rock that blog. I am this close to doing it but there is always something that I miss. It'll get going with time, I know. It must! Anyway, I wish you've put on some weight, bought that apartment and got rid of all the problems I currently have. I think its time to have some calm days in our lives. Quote
Daezee Chayne Posted March 31, 2019 Report Posted March 31, 2019 Dear Me in five years, Congrats on quitting smoking, I knew you could do it! I see you also wrote that story down, is it going to be a Trilogy like I thought? Don't worry if you haven't finished it yet, we will prevail! Your sincerely, Me right now Quote
naghma Posted April 6, 2019 Report Posted April 6, 2019 Dear me in 5 years, I hope that you already figured what you want and how to achieve it, i know that we have been through a lot and i hope that you are still strong as i have always known you, or even stronger. I know that you moved forward, defeated your mental problems and gotten used to you health conditions.I have pushed you a lot, stopped you from getting some of what you want in life, forced you to do stuff you didn't like, but, it was all for your sake, for this moment and for the great human being you have become . Keep being nice and remember to accept and cherish yourself, life is so short so make the most of it!. Quote
DJ64 Posted April 30, 2019 Report Posted April 30, 2019 Dear Me in Five Years, I'm so glad that you hung in there and didn't give up when things got tough. I'm glad that you fought hard and finally realized your dreams due to the sacrifices you made when you were younger. No matter how hard times were, you kept your dreams and visions before you. Now you can help others who are struggling with fulfilling their dreams and believing in themselves. You can create jobs and leave a legacy for your family. You can also provide knowledge that can be passed on from generation to generation. Quote
rikemich823 Posted May 13, 2019 Report Posted May 13, 2019 Dear me in 5 years, I hope you've figured out what you want to do in life, and how to quit wasting time. Unfortunately, wasting time seems to be the one thing you've truly mastered in your 25 years. These goals will certainly work together. Figure out what you want, and you won't be wasting time to avoid it. At this point, I don't really know what it is that's making you hold yourself back so much, but there's always hope that you can get it together. You have a great family and friends that love you. Don't push them away, ask them for help! Even though you may feel shame in asking, they want to be there for you. Best, Me Quote
nbelanger Posted May 20, 2019 Report Posted May 20, 2019 Dear Me, Oh, how I wish time travel was possible, for if it were I would request your assistance at this very moment because I desperately need your help. I am stuck and I need a slight push in the right direction. As you know, before getting diagnosed with Cancer we were a successful business owner as well as being a single mother and life was good, but now it is not so peachy. Everyone tells me how lucky we are to have survived, but luck is not the word I have in mind, for the aftermath of Cancer is worse than the Cancer, for it took a toll on our emotional and physical health, in which no one can see just by looking at our outer shell. The aftermath has limited the capabilities we once had so now it is back to the drawing board and starting over like a new born baby taking their first steps. Anyhow, you cannot sit next to me at this moment and give me answers so I am going to try my best to make our life as successful and enjoyable it can be. I am going to try my best to be positive and steer ahead to make our dreams come true and then in five years when I read this out loud I will have a good chuckle and maybe shed some happy tears of our success. If you are reading this thank you for never giving up! Love, Me Quote
jenea Posted June 3, 2019 Report Posted June 3, 2019 Dear Me, Well, hopefully you are in medical school right now. Let me see, it would be 2024 so that would be your second year of medical school, I believe. Hopefully your lectures are going well and you are focusing on "the now." Typically, you don't take advice from your younger, less wise self, but if you are willing to listen, I have some. Try your best to stay focused on the task at hand, you have your life ahead of you to worry about life outside of academics. Medical school is only four years, you have to do your best to make each and every second count. That being said, don't let yourself become too overwhelmed either. The end goal here is to successfully graduate, not to burn out during your second year. If you ever feel unmotivated, reach out to a friend, counselor, or maybe one of the inspirational quote books. They make hundreds of those things, seriously go buy one. Hang in there, You Quote
ReginaPhalange Posted June 6, 2019 Report Posted June 6, 2019 Dear me, Thank you for slowing down and taking time for us. It’s nice to stop and smell the roses once in a while. It turns out making new friends is a blessing. I hope we cherish our new friendships for years to come. Who knew we could still laugh and play at this age? Congratulations on picking up writing again. I know you thought we were rusty, and in all honesty we were, but we love it so much and look at where we are now. Kudos to us for not sitting by the TV day after day. Now, don’t be a stranger. Let’s keep in touch. Quote
jenlv2ski Posted July 10, 2019 Report Posted July 10, 2019 Dear Me, Are you joyful? Are you a good mother and a good wife? Are you happy with your career and your friendships? Did you eliminate all the negative things and people in your life like you promised? Are you living your best life? If not, I will give you another five years. Quote
Kharl2319 Posted July 30, 2019 Report Posted July 30, 2019 Dear Me, I am so proud of you. You have been through a lot. I know you thought about giving up, we all have. It brings me great pleasure to know\say that you haven't. Live each day knowing that you are making the world a better place, one small act of kindness at a time. Like dear ol' Dad used to say, "If you want the world to change, be the change." Quote
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