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Does Manifestation Really Work?


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I believe in magic. I believe in miracles. I am not sure about coincidences, but have experienced some timely occurrences that Swiss psychoanalyst, Carl Jung, called "synchronicities". For that matter I have become interested in the idea of manifestation, that is the belief that we can make our desires a reality by declaring the desire and then believing that the Universe (or whatever higher power) will conspire to make it happen for us. That is the shortened explanation for the actual process, of course. Anyway, I have decided to try manifesting my own desire. I declared it, I believe it will happen, and now I am just waiting to enjoy the fruits of my labor! If nothing happens, that does not mean that it never will; perhaps the timing is just not right. If it appears at some point that the particular desire that I tried to manifest will never happen, then at least I have gained a bit of wisdom while losing nothing. Either way, it is a win for me!

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