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The spoken word


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There is nothing more powerful than words. Our words can heal or kill, it can build up or tear down, it can encourage or discourage. Many in the World take this for granted and they seem to ignore the impact words can have. We are all too familiar with the old saying of "Sticks and Stones may break my bones but words can do me no harm." How untrue are these words. It only takes just a few words to destroy a person's reputation, or to cause pain. Once words are uttered it can never be taken back. Some are surprised that the bible provides counsel on the proper use of our speech and words and the impact they can have on others. God values how we use our speech and he expects us to use words that are "gracious, seasoned with salt" (Colossians 4:6), words that stir others to love and fine works( Hebrews 10:24), "words that are beautiful like apples in silver carvings" (Proverbs 25:11). Since our words are part of our worship( James 1:26, Hebrews 13:15), lets do our best to think before we speak and do our utmost to use delightful speech that would heal and encourage others.

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Powerful is the word. The magnitude of its doings can be felt deep within the center of ones being.Taking myself s an example.My girlfriend and i recently had a fight. Out of anger she told me she has quit the relationship. My arrogance at the moment could not allow her words to seep into my mind and form a clear picture. Days late the pain of thinking about her words destroyed e deeply. Although she apologized for using such detrimental words that should never be spoken  between lovers. It is still a word that gave me heartaches.

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