JewelsCat22 Posted April 9, 2020 Report Posted April 9, 2020 I don't know about everyone else, but I really crave good news these days. It helps keep me going during this time of crisis in our world. So, I thought I'd share some good news we received a couple of weeks ago at the vet. As some of you already know, Carmine was diagnosed with diabetes back in January. We were pretty sure it was steroid-induced. Long-term prednisolone use in cats is linked to the development of diabetes, and Carmine had been taking prednisolone for more than five years for his chronic pancreatitis. We made the decision to take him off the prednisolone in hopes that this would resolve the issue. He has not had any pancreatitis flareups in about three years, so we felt pretty comfortable that he would be okay without it. In the meantime, though, he had to go on insulin to help control his blood sugar. Unfortunately, the first dose we tried was too much for him, and he kept going into hypoglycemia, which was incredibly scary! My vet and I worked closely and figured out that Carmine needed the very tiniest dose of insulin possible - 1/2 (about one drop) of insulin only once a day. This dose allowed him to remain stable without going into hypoglycemia. He has his glucose tested at the vet once a month right now. About a week before his last appointment, I noticed that he was much livelier. He was running around like a young cat again (he is 15 years old!). He was eating more, too. He was even chasing Tylan around the apartment, which he hardly ever did before! So, I wondered if he could be in remission. Sure enough, he tested in remission at his appointment!! His sugar was still slightly high at 178 (normal ends at 170), but he is in remission. It was a piece of news I really needed. Things have been so tough for everyone, including me, lately. It felt great that something good happened. He will continue to go in once a month for glucose tests for the time being. We are hopeful that he will stay in remission, but it is not uncommon for cats to go back into diabetes from time to time. 4
Nickel Posted April 15, 2020 Report Posted April 15, 2020 Great news! It must have been stressful making sure Carmine lives as well as possible for as long as possible. It's cute hearing how he's regained some youth as well! 1
SableC. Posted April 19, 2020 Report Posted April 19, 2020 Alright, Carmine, way to go! That's such wonderful news, Jewel. I bet you were so relieved. I wish Carmine and Tylan well and hope they have countless years of health and happiness ahead.
JewelsCat22 Posted April 21, 2020 Author Report Posted April 21, 2020 Carmine is headed back to the vet this Thursday for another glucose test. He is still acting like he's in remission, so here's hoping the test will confirm he is still there. As soon as his blood work comes back, we will get his dental surgery squared away. Tylan will go with us to get his claws clipped and to visit his favorite vet tech. It's sweet how excited she gets to see him! 1
SableC. Posted July 22, 2020 Report Posted July 22, 2020 Carmine popped into my head today. How did his last appointment go? I hope Carmine is still in remission and well enough to continue chasing Tylan around. I'm thankful my cat tolerates a surprising amount of interference from me. I trim the claws myself on the rare occasions that it's needed. I mean, anything is better than trying to soothe my cat's tortured caterwauling all the way to the vet and back. Those meows get awfully long and awfully loud!
JewelsCat22 Posted July 24, 2020 Author Report Posted July 24, 2020 You are so sweet, @SableC., for thinking about Carmine His last appointment was in May, believe it or not! It's nothing short of a minor miracle that we haven't been to the vet in the past three months with all the boys' special needs. Both boys go back August 5th. Carmine will get another glucose test to make sure he is still in remission. I'm a bit nervous because he's been spending a lot more time around his water fountain lately. It's also been insanely hot here, though, so I'm hoping he's just extra thirsty from the heat and that his diabetes isn't back (increased thirst is one sign of diabetes). Both boys will get checkups and their nails clipped while we're there, too. It's funny, Carmine is as quiet as a mouse on car trips, but Tylan yells at the top of his lungs, the entire way. What's your kitty's name, Sable? I hope you and your kitty are staying cool. I don't know what it's like where you are, but it has just been so hot here the past couple of weeks. 1
SableC. Posted July 28, 2020 Report Posted July 28, 2020 (edited) On 7/24/2020 at 8:23 AM, JewelsCat22 said: What's your kitty's name, Sable? Mittens. I can't say that I'm fond of the name, especially since Mittens only has one mitten, not two. However, the name was already established, so I kept it. Mittens used to be my neighbor's until the cat discovered our dog door. One day Mittens popped through the flap with a favorite toy and that was that. Mittens refused to go back home, so that's how I became a cat owner for the first time. It was unavoidable. Eventually we all just figured the cat had enough of their toddler's grabby hands and decided to relocate. So, Mittens is still Mittens, but I've added a few nicknames over the years like Mighty Mittens, The MIttenator, Smitten Kitten, and Miffens. Of course, Mittens is the very best cat in the world and quickly became a beloved member of the family. Thank you for the update. I'm so glad to hear that Carmine is still doing well and I hope he stays in remission for a very long time! Edited August 23, 2020 by SableC.
JewelsCat22 Posted August 21, 2020 Author Report Posted August 21, 2020 @SableC., Mittenator - I LOVE it!! Cats know things. I think Mittens knew where she belonged and made her way there. Carmine got a very good report from the vet! His glucose was 105 - the best it has been since this whole thing started. The vet said he's probably just hot and drinking more and that his kitties were all hot and drinking more, too. He has six cats! We are testing Carmine's kidneys again in November. The vet is concerned about possible early kidney disease. I really hope that's not the case. Carmine is doing very well for being 15. Tylan went for his annual exam, too. There is still inflammation in his mouth and probably always will be - he has stomatitis. But the vet says the inflammation is the least he's ever seen Tylan have, so we may have finally found a good Prednisolone schedule for him. Tylan should be all set for another year now, as long as he doesn't get sick or anything. 1
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