winuxchrosh Posted January 18, 2010 Report Posted January 18, 2010 Do you ever do this whenever you wake you up in the morning or before going to bed at night? This is one of my habits after waking up in the morning. The very first thing that I'm thankful of is the life that I have. Many people are not lucky enough to be able to see another sunrise. At night, I count all the good things that happened to me throughout the day and that sets my mood for a good night sleep.
Lynn Posted January 19, 2010 Report Posted January 19, 2010 This makes me think of my grandmother. When I used to ask her how old she was she would tell me that she stopped counting years and only counts her blessings. I think I do this. Not in a list format per se, but I spend some time everyday reflecting on how grateful I am for my family and my time with them. When I get done thinking about that, I usually say a prayer to continue to keep us all safe and healthy.
annika3in1 Posted January 21, 2010 Report Posted January 21, 2010 I used to go over things that I was grateful for every night before I went to bed. Now, I have gotten out of the habit, but I would really like to get back into it.
knchatty Posted February 4, 2010 Report Posted February 4, 2010 I don't count my blessings nearly as often as I should. Life has been pretty stressful and full of drama lately. I know I am still very lucky to have a healthy and happy family. I think I'm going to try to get up each morning and say 1 good thing about my life. I'll go to bed thinking another good point.
meiguoren Posted February 12, 2010 Report Posted February 12, 2010 There's a hymn we sing in church that reminds us to do this on a regular basis. The title is, "Count Your Blessings". The first few lyrics are, "Count your blessings, name them one by one."
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