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Going green: it's in the little things!


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I didn't know until recently that phone chargers and other electronics continue to use energy while plugged in, even if they're not being used. I've started pulling the plug between uses for everything from my toaster to my laptop computer.  ;D

What little things are you doing to live a little greener?

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I have a large family (8 people in a 1250-ish square foot home)... that's my contribution ;) What? You don't see how that makes sense? OK, try figuring out what your carbon footprint is... when there are more people in the same house, it reduces the footprint due to more people using one light, etc!

But, aside from that, we also use the fluorescent bulbs, for one thing.

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Kudos to you both for your efforts. I think the issue in its entirety seems overwhelming to many of us, but all the little things add up.

My effort lies in recycling. In addition to the usual cardboard/paper, hard plastic, glass, can and food waste bins available here I recently discovered the 'soft plastic recycle' box. To be honest I had seen it before but thought it was only for old grocery bags. Turns out you can put all soft plastics there so I have started yet another collection.

The area under my drainer is full of various boxes and bags but its a small price to pay for reducing the landfills. These days I usually have only 1 small bag of garbage a week to be collected by the city refuse truck.

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