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I'm a minimalist at heart, but my house doesn't show it! Of course, with 8 people in a 1250-ish square foot house, there's going to be more *stuff* than a 2500 square foot house in which only 4 people live. Nevertheless, since the stuff is here, I have to find a good way to keep it under control.

Some ideas I've heard include:

Declutter (great idea! but often difficult, too!)

One in, one out (another good idea, when one remembers to use it!)

and for what's left, organize!

I have shelves in several rooms. Dressers and plastic drawers and underbed totes to help keep the stuff contained are also helpful.

How do you do it?


I label everything and become a label freak when stuff is not put back in the correct place. I also have "Rules to be a Slob" in which members of the house may be slobs if they follow these rules. My daughter said, "I dind't know it took so much work to be lazy!"


I have been living in small spaces for so long that the adage 'a place for everything and everything in its place' works for me. I do still need to have a good sort through everything about once a month though.

To avoid storage I try to use things as much as possible. I move house (and sometimes country) pretty much every year because of my job. I got tired of packing up untouched candles, unworn clothes, unread books and so on so, just to store them in the next place.

ProudMary - I love your daughter's comment.


Yes, your daughter sounds like a smart lass. I will admit that I can get a bit obsessed with decluttering! That is my main form of organization. I try to get the kids involved as well with the process so it is not as difficult for me. Before birthdays, and other holidays where we seem to bring lots of things in, I ask each person to go through their room and bring me a box full of things to go to Good Will.


I think I need to hire someone to come and help me. Maybe if somebody got me started and we got the shelves built and stuff I would be able to keep it up!