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Fall/Christmas Items Out Already?


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Is it just me or has anyone else noticed how fast they are putting out Halloween and Christmas items in the stores this year? Right after the girls went to school this year, which is in August, there were Halloween decorations and costumes out. When I went to the store the other day they also had some Christmas stuff out. It seems like it gets earlier and earlier every year.

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It does! I can kind of understand some Christmas items (like fabric) because it takes time to get things ready - but some stuff (like decorations) are silly because most people who would be thinking about decorating early, will probably have saved decorations from previous years and/or purchased them on clearance after the LAST Christmas!

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It does seem to occur sooner every year. I deplore this sales tactic. I would rather wait and see the Christmas things out around November 15th or so. I would rather they wait until almost October to see the Halloween things too. I usually just ignore the decorations and items until I feel in the mood for the season.

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In the country where I live, many say that we celebrate Christmas the longest :) Christmas songs start to creep into the air in September. These songs are played at increasing frequency all the way to the 25th. It then slows down up to Epiphany, which is around the first week of January.

We don't celebrate Halloween as much here. But we do have All Souls Day and All Saints Day in succession (November 1 and 2). This is when people move to the provinces to visit the beloved departed's graves.

The week after those two days generally serve as kick off for all the commercial activities related to Christmas at increasing crescendo all the way to the 25th. For a lot of businesses here, Christmas season is their saving grace: retail stores and their suppliers, transport companies, restaurants, hotels, etc.

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I think the same is true here as far as it being the one season that keeps them in business goes. I did read somewhere over the last week or so that retailers in the US are expecting a "socks and underwear" Christmas.

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I agree with you that it seems to be getting earlier each year.  Last year I heard a Christmas song the first week of November, and this year I was at a store during our fair in the middle of August and they had Halloween stuff out already!

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For me seeing all the displays in the stores was a reminder that I need to start my Christmas shopping early and not put it off until the last moment. When I saw the displays up I went over to the closest Good Will and I got 10 rolls of unopened wrapping paper for $4! I was pleased because last year I was in shock over the price of wrapping paper!

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