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This post is kind of the opposite of one I read recently about homeless people with laptops.

I know some people in their late 60's who are worth, with assets and cash combined, roughly 2 million dollars. They have approximately 2 dozen parcels of real estate scattered across the state in which they live. Every piece of property they own is bought and paid for, with a little over half giving them income as rentals. 

They live in a small, nice 3 room house in the mountains with well water, an old pick-up and jeep, and they wouldn't even know how to turn a computer on if they had one. They say they don't need one because they are doing just fine without one. They don't live rich, and they don't "look" rich.

The person they have watching their property for them, is not only computer literate, but he makes extra money on the side online. So while he struggles to get by in the ever changing modern world, the millionaire's in the mountains are doing just fine with their old pick-up and well water. They have so many homes that they could live in, yet they are not connected to the internet world by choice. 

The moral of the story is that in 2010, there is no norm. Nothing is what it seems. This isn't your parents' world.You can't just look at someone and make a blanket judgment call. If you do, chances are you will end up being wrong. 


Very true! The old adage, "You can't judge a book by its cover" is only becoming more appropriate as time goes on. I would say that I don't know any millionaires like that, but apparently I might not know if I do!


This reminds me of the book Millionaire Next Door. The temptation to live a lavish and "cool" life is killing a lot of people financially. In the end, all we need is a great family, a home we can live decently in and savings to keep and invest. Some people stick to the essentials and are reaping the dividends in their old age.