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Morning Lark or Night Owl?


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Are you a night owl or a morning lark?

I used to be a morning lark but sometime during my teenage years I became a night owl.

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I think I'm both. I don't sleep well, so I usually stay up late and get up early. During my 20s, I was a definite night owl. I would stay up until the wee hours and then sleep half the day away. Now I still stay up pretty late, but if I'm not up by 6am I feel like I'm wasting the day.

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I used to be able to stay up long into the night, but now I'm ready for bed usually by 10pm.  I find that when I stay up later, I have a super hard time getting up in the morning.  I hate wasted mornings too, so waking up anytime after 7am I feel like I have wasted too much of the day.

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I love being up in the morning - once I'm up. But realistically speaking, I hate to go to bed at night - and I hate to get up in the morning! I think it's the law of inertia. You know, "a body in motion tends to stay in motion; a body at rest tends to stay at rest." :)

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I pretty much go to bed when my husband wants to and it was 10pm when we worked and had to get up at 6am. Since I retired we now go to bed at 11pm but I read in bed, usually until at least 12:30. We get up around 8am but my husband is happier if he gets up earlier. I'd quite happily stay in bed until 9am but I'm very easy going about the whole thing!

In my youth I was an all nighter and there were times when I didn't go to bed at all :)

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Definitely a night owl here. I have always functioned better between 8 pm and 2 am. I find I do much better during those hours. In my community though, I'm pretty much alone. We don't have a lot of places open during those hours unless you count Wal-Mart.

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If anxiety-induced insomnia counts as being a night-owl, then I guess I'm a night owl.

On the other hand, if prying your eyes open enough to put your 7th grader on the bus at 7 AM counts as being a morning lark, then I guess that must be me, too.

(Maybe I'm more of a tabby cat, for those wonderful days when I get my afternoon nap by the fire...)

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When I used to work till 1 AM regularly, I'd take a few hours usually to unwind. But in recent years when I'm more likely to work earlier time frames, I tend to stay in the routine of getting up around 6 or 7 AM and I enjoy that.

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I'm definitely a night owl. I am working on being a morning lark and it's a bit hard, but I'm sure I can get there :P I'm trying to do it without coffee, too; which makes matters much worse.

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I'm neither really, but I'm more of a night owl than a morning lark.  I can stay up late when I have to, but I hate it when I have to get up before nine in the morning.  When I was a bus driver, I had to be at work by four in the morning and it almost killed me!  Do you know how hard it is to go to bed at eight in the evening, and stay asleep?  Needless to say, there were a lot of days spent yawning.

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Definitely a night owl here as well. I do not remember a time in my life when I actually enjoyed getting up early. If it were up to me, I would sleep in until at least 8am every morning.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have to agree with Perfect 7. I think I really don't want to miss anything. There are stories about when I was a child that I would pretend to be asleep and my relatives would make up something exciting happening just to watch me pretend to wake up. Afraid it has stayed with me...morning or night...I am awake!

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I am 100% night owl. My natural sleeping pattern is to get tired around 1am and sleep through until around 11am. I do tend to do this when I am not working, which messes up my sleep pattern quite a lot. Like Buddys, I am also much more productive after 8pm.

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Val, 2 am to 11 am is my pattern, but since I've had my daughter, I've had to start getting up earlier.  I've been lucky though; usually I can convince her to stay in bed with me until 9 am.  She rarely insists at getting up at 6 or 7.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am a night owl by nature. However since having my son, I've had to become a morning lark. He is quite the early riser! So now, I just consider myself a night owl living on a morning lark's schedule. :D

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