flower07 Posted June 10, 2008 Report Posted June 10, 2008 As you all know, having a blog has become fashion rather trend these days. Not only the normal people, online business men, children but also prisoners have started blogging these days. (Check http://prisonerblogger.com/) So, do you own a blog? Well, I do. I write mostly about the Web Technology, English language, Couple of tech-tutorials and more. I am not sure if I am allowed to post up my blog's URL here. Anyways, what do you write about in your blog, if you have one?
Watari Posted June 11, 2008 Report Posted June 11, 2008 I actually use the blogging software, wordpress, for website management. I own a small chain of websites with Anime related content. Although I have never used it for person blogging, its great for posting news.
lighterfluid Posted June 16, 2008 Report Posted June 16, 2008 I've heard of Wordpress, and am planning on checking it out soon. What is Wordpress? Can you elaborate on your likes, dislikes, maybe some alternatives? I am working on creating a blog as well. Thanks.
Gurdit Posted July 12, 2008 Report Posted July 12, 2008 I've heard of Wordpress, and am planning on checking it out soon. What is Wordpress? Can you elaborate on your likes, dislikes, maybe some alternatives? I am working on creating a blog as well. Thanks. Wordpress is a software that helps you blog. It has two variants. One is the internet-hosted version ( http://www.wordpress.com ), where you can register and start blogging right away. You will get a http://yourname.wordpress.com address where your blog will be reachable. The second avatar is the self-hosted version. ( http://www.wordpress.org ). What you do here is download the script that you will have to unzip and upload to your own web-space on the internet. You'll need to have your own web-space and domain in order to use this version though. These are easily available for free online, but if you're only looking to create a beginner's blog, I suggest the first version. As for me, I have my own website, and one section of it is the blog. For this, I've used Wordpress. The link ought to be visible to you in my profile. Lately, though, I've done some research and reached the conclusion that Wordpress is not necessarily the best software to use for a blog. It's quite heavy and can crash your web-server if you have too many people visiting it all at once or if you have a very popular site.
Dianna Posted July 12, 2008 Report Posted July 12, 2008 Most times when visits crash a site, its not the blogs fault but the owner since they don't have enough BW per month to support that amount of traffic.
lkbkr101 Posted July 13, 2008 Report Posted July 13, 2008 Nope, not me. I'm just not very good at that type of thing. I wouldn't know what to talk about, or how to even start.
djschwab Posted August 4, 2008 Report Posted August 4, 2008 I just started a blog primarily for business reasons. I also write articles on business related topics, but I find I can post some quick thoughts and insight into a particular topic through my blog. My next step is to start promoting it to build viewer traffic.
new4me Posted August 11, 2008 Report Posted August 11, 2008 Nope, not me. I'm just not very good at that type of thing. I wouldn't know what to talk about, or how to even start. My thoughts exactly. How do you start a blog? Where did the term blog come from? Why do people blog? Is it like a journal? Sorry for all the questions but the I never quite got the idea of blogging. Maybe if I understand it better I may set my own blog.
webo Posted August 12, 2008 Report Posted August 12, 2008 Well I must first admit that for years I have despised the term "blog". Web Log, sounds hoaky enough, but there will always be a new spin on things. The computer industry has for ever been happy with making abbreviations, at least its a new way to make a play on words for the industry. ppoe, tcpip, dhcp, pcmcia, http, html, pdf, and I would go on but you get the idea. Is it really that hard to say the words? My problem with blogs has nothing to do with the word itself, it is the fact they are no different that the use of most any cms application you can name, sorry for the abbreviation, I mean Content Management System. So, what really makes a blog a blog? Nothing, besides the name, and that is what has long given me a complex, its cool to have a website because you can say, "hey check out my blog." Now, that being said, I have went against everything that I hold dear, meaning my convictions, but I have decided to start a new website about music, bands, and concerts. I have decided to use the word press content management system, so I guess I am now an official blogger, just don't let me catch you calling me one.. LOL If you hate blogs to but love music, check out the MusiBlog here.
Lisaa Posted August 13, 2008 Report Posted August 13, 2008 I blog on a regular basis and have created my blog beginning of 2008 about Internet marketing and working from home in various industries. I really love blogging and digging up information. The best part is what I learn each time I do research on a topic I'm interested in writing about. The latest and most fun part is to see traffic increase! Eight months and I'm pretty steady at approving comments now. While before it was pretty dead. Learning more about Internet marketing really has opened up my eyes to all the possibilities of making a living from the Internet. Once you know how to market online - the sky is the limit!
sarahs Posted August 16, 2008 Report Posted August 16, 2008 I DO have a blog! It is a music review blog, focusing primarily on new and amazing indie acts springing up in the San Francisco area. You can check it out here: http://saysarahsay2.blogspot.com/
happydollmaker Posted August 17, 2008 Report Posted August 17, 2008 I have a stupid question, How do you " blog" effectively. I have tried blogs, but I get so lost in doing it. I was never good at keeping a diary either. But I would love to do that about my creations, I just don't know how. Julie
sarahs Posted August 17, 2008 Report Posted August 17, 2008 I DO have a blog! It is a music review blog, focusing primarily on new and amazing indie acts springing up in the San Francisco area. You can check it out here: http://saysarahsay2.blogspot.com/ (I'm fixing the format of this for my application...no page breaks, guys!) I DO have a blog! It is a music review blog, focusing primarily on new and amazing indie acts springing up in the San Francisco area. You can check it out here: http://saysarahsay2.blogspot.com/
TheSilentPen Posted August 31, 2008 Report Posted August 31, 2008 I have two blogs that I try to update with regular posting but I have just been too busy updating/writing for other peoples' blogs (ghostwriting) that I the most regular I can get for my own sites are one post every month. I know...I know...that is horrific. :-[
moon Posted September 3, 2008 Report Posted September 3, 2008 YES! I love my blog, although it is a huge amount of work to keep it up in general, lol, and further, to keep it interesting. I tend to write long articles, too long sometimes, and I need to learn how to prune a bit. I am such an avid researcher, though, I vet something through and through, and then just feel the need to write about it in a whole fashion. It is time consuming, but I still love it:) http://blog.psychic-wisdom.net
SkyBlue Posted September 4, 2008 Report Posted September 4, 2008 I started a blog a year ago, but it only lasted a few months. It was quite a lot of work for one thing, keeping it up to date and replying to comments. My blog was about writing, particularly for competitions. I found it interesting to do at first. There is always a novelty value in beginning a new project, isn't there? Perhaps I wasn't good enough at promoting it, as I didn't really get the amount of visitors that I'd hoped for. In the end I decided that it was taking up too much time which I could use in better ways. Maybe I'll try again one day. How do you all find ways to promote your blogs and increase your number of readers?
jjmm Posted September 16, 2008 Report Posted September 16, 2008 I'm currently making a blog about making money online... I still have to post some payment proofs and add some sites, but I expect it to be finished in a week or so. I will also add this site if I get accepted and I get paid
Raven Posted October 3, 2008 Report Posted October 3, 2008 I have two blogs. I created the first one for somewhere to just vent and rant and put down my thoughts. It kind of metamorphasized into a helping-hand site for writers when I kept getting questions from people asking how I find writing markets and where I sell my articles. The second blog is a finance-related blog. I figured since I'm qualified to give financial advice, I could be helping people to survive and even thrive in these unstable economic times. It's only a few months old, but I'm slowly building content on it.
Tammy Posted October 3, 2008 Report Posted October 3, 2008 I have two blogs. On one, I write about a variety of things that would be of interest to other people who are looking for entertaining and /or rewarding ways to spend their time online. It's mostly reviews about other websites that I just happen to run across on the internet in my spare time and that I feel are worth sharing. For example, games you can play for points, contests and funny readings. The other is my wordpress blog and is a part of a website that I am still creating. It is geared toward women and parenting and is basically just a blog to keep everyone informed of the happenings going on with the website.
MichMomma Posted November 17, 2008 Report Posted November 17, 2008 I use Blogster and Blogger for my blogs. I usually just post my Associated Content articles on there but will through in a personal blog every now and then. I haven't been blogging that long so I'm still learning the ropes. I do enjoy writing and meeting new people.
Guest ferodynamics Posted November 19, 2008 Report Posted November 19, 2008 The second avatar is the self-hosted version. ( http://www.wordpress.org ). What you do here is download the script that you will have to unzip and upload to your own web-space on the internet. You'll need to have your own web-space and domain in order to use this version though. These are easily available for free online, but if you're only looking to create a beginner's blog, I suggest the first version. As for me, I have my own website, and one section of it is the blog. For this, I've used Wordpress. The link ought to be visible to you in my profile. Lately, though, I've done some research and reached the conclusion that Wordpress is not necessarily the best software to use for a blog. It's quite heavy and can crash your web-server if you have too many people visiting it all at once or if you have a very popular site. Yes, installing your own Wordpress is not for the meek, but there's a very large, helpful community, and it's free. If you're not interested in PHP or XHTML, I'd say don't bother. But if you know what you're doing you can push out a million pages per month without investing in a dedicated server, so it's not that heavy. What slows you down is the fancy themes and plugins.
Guest ferodynamics Posted November 19, 2008 Report Posted November 19, 2008 I found it interesting to do at first. There is always a novelty value in beginning a new project, isn't there? Perhaps I wasn't good enough at promoting it, as I didn't really get the amount of visitors that I'd hoped for. In the end I decided that it was taking up too much time which I could use in better ways. Maybe I'll try again one day. How do you all find ways to promote your blogs and increase your number of readers? I know what you mean. My advice is, at least keep the old content online, keep the registration renewed. The older a site is, the more valuable it is, because older sites tend to have more links and are favored by the search engines.
Guest ferodynamics Posted November 19, 2008 Report Posted November 19, 2008 The latest and most fun part is to see traffic increase! Eight months and I'm pretty steady at approving comments now. While before it was pretty dead. If you get over 100 comments/day it's not as fun. My secret to save time, I have Wordpress set to auto-approve all comments, but any comment that has any links or a "trigger" word will put that comment into moderation. So you can take a week off and the good comments still flow in, and when you get around to it you can moderate the questionable ones. The problem with approving every comment, it can really make or break you. Let's say a new hot trend emerges and you're an hour too late to approve the game-changing comment that was in moderation, that means Google indexed the idea somewhere else, you miss out on millions of visits. Happens every day.
purplesky Posted November 21, 2008 Report Posted November 21, 2008 I had a blog but did not have time for it as you need to change content at least three times a week plus a lot of promotion. I now have Squidoo cells, they are much less work, are free and take the same amount of promotion. For those of you who don't know a cell is really a website. There is a lot of free information out there on the internet on how to promote your blog written by experts and the better ones will tell you that if you make $500.00 in six months you are doing well and it will take about two years for the money to come in if you keep working at it.
mywritingbiz Posted November 21, 2008 Report Posted November 21, 2008 I have set up Wordpress blog couple months ago, it's all about internet business and stuff. I make all posts on my blog as fun as possible. So it would be not too boring for me to make those posts. Squidoo is one of my choice to make the promotion for my blog. With all of it's lenses, Squidoo is definitely one of the many ways worth trying for.
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