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Does your household include gaming systems / consoles? We used to be console-free, up until about four years ago, when we purchases a used GameCube inexpensively. Now we have two GameCubes, several GameBoys and DSs, a Wii, and an Xbox 360. My oldest really wants a PS3, too!


We have had a console of some sort for years beginning, many years ago, with the old Commodore 64 then a Sinclair Spectrum, a Sega, a PS1, a PS2 and a Wii. The last two we still have. I'm not sure what will be next, if anything.


We want a Wii, but other priorities have prevented us from getting one yet.  Perhaps by the time we can get one, the Wii U will be out.


The next electronic thing I'm going to get is going to either be a tablet PC or a Kindle. I love to read but carrying the books around is not my favorite part of reading. I'm trying to research as much as possible to see what is the best and most versatile of the group.


We have some gaming systems, but mostly I think we tend to play games on our computers and phones. Besides those, I have a Nintendo DS that I like (but I haven't played anything on it recently). And we won a Wii in a contest! Nobody else besides me has played anything on it, though. :(