@SableC., Mittenator - I LOVE it!! Cats know things. I think Mittens knew where she belonged and made her way there.
Carmine got a very good report from the vet! His glucose was 105 - the best it has been since this whole thing started. The vet said he's probably just hot and drinking more and that his kitties were all hot and drinking more, too. He has six cats!
We are testing Carmine's kidneys again in November. The vet is concerned about possible early kidney disease. I really hope that's not the case. Carmine is doing very well for being 15.
Tylan went for his annual exam, too. There is still inflammation in his mouth and probably always will be - he has stomatitis. But the vet says the inflammation is the least he's ever seen Tylan have, so we may have finally found a good Prednisolone schedule for him. Tylan should be all set for another year now, as long as he doesn't get sick or anything.