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Showing content with the highest reputation since 06/08/2013 in all areas

  1. This is one of the fastest growing hobbies around the world right now and I'm wondering who else enjoys coloring as a grown-up? I always colored with my children and then my grandchildren, but now we closet colorers no longer have to stick to the kiddie books. There are hundreds of incredibly detailed coloring books available for adults these days. Johanna Basford's "Secret Garden" and "Enchanted Forest" books are the leaders in the field. I believe she was the first to publish a coloring book aimed at the adult market. Her images are lovely!
    5 points
  2. Share something unique or cool about yourself. For instance, I'm a lion tamer - well, sort of. I was bored to death while staying at home during the height of the pandemic, so I taught a tiger (orange tabby), a lion (floofy tortoiseshell), and a panther (black cat) to do circus tricks. Our act was the entertainment during work Zoom breaks and the highlight of the day. I'm happy to be back in the office, but I do miss all those extra cuddles. Let's hear something about you.
    4 points
  3. I don't know about everyone else, but I really crave good news these days. It helps keep me going during this time of crisis in our world. So, I thought I'd share some good news we received a couple of weeks ago at the vet. As some of you already know, Carmine was diagnosed with diabetes back in January. We were pretty sure it was steroid-induced. Long-term prednisolone use in cats is linked to the development of diabetes, and Carmine had been taking prednisolone for more than five years for his chronic pancreatitis. We made the decision to take him off the prednisolone in hopes that this would resolve the issue. He has not had any pancreatitis flareups in about three years, so we felt pretty comfortable that he would be okay without it. In the meantime, though, he had to go on insulin to help control his blood sugar. Unfortunately, the first dose we tried was too much for him, and he kept going into hypoglycemia, which was incredibly scary! My vet and I worked closely and figured out that Carmine needed the very tiniest dose of insulin possible - 1/2 (about one drop) of insulin only once a day. This dose allowed him to remain stable without going into hypoglycemia. He has his glucose tested at the vet once a month right now. About a week before his last appointment, I noticed that he was much livelier. He was running around like a young cat again (he is 15 years old!). He was eating more, too. He was even chasing Tylan around the apartment, which he hardly ever did before! So, I wondered if he could be in remission. Sure enough, he tested in remission at his appointment!! His sugar was still slightly high at 178 (normal ends at 170), but he is in remission. It was a piece of news I really needed. Things have been so tough for everyone, including me, lately. It felt great that something good happened. He will continue to go in once a month for glucose tests for the time being. We are hopeful that he will stay in remission, but it is not uncommon for cats to go back into diabetes from time to time.
    4 points
  4. Notice that I did not say "junk food." We're not judgmental here! I am a lifelong fan of snacks, but instead of scarfing down cookies and candy like I did when I was a kid, I try to stick to nuts and fruit these days. The one thing I can't seem to give up is good old Fritos, yes, those plain corn chips! How about you, what is your favorite snack food?
    4 points
  5. One word: El-Nino. This is a weather pattern in the Pacific Ocean that pops up every 5 years or so. Some patterns are stronger than others and, so far, this year is shaping up to be a strong one. This pattern directly affects the U.S. more than any other simply because of the geographic location of the country. Living in Arizona, I feel the impact of El-Nino every time it comes around. From this first-hand experience I can tell you that it's going to be a wet El-Nino season in Arizona. (Some people joke that we have a 5th season in Arizona........El-Nino.) It has been raining more than usual ever since our monsoon season was supposed to have ended a roughly one month ago. It was raining last night where I live, at an elevation of roughly 5,000 ft. above sea level, with more expected today and the cooling trend to continue. At this rate we are going to see a lot of snow out here as well as other parts of the western U.S. I can't begin to tell you how much of a good thing that would be. Here's a link that can explain more: So how do you think El_Nino will affect your neck of the woods?
    4 points
  6. Dear Sir/Madam,I just hit my Seventh and pray that you admit me into your programme. I promise to do my best.Thanks,Robert.
    3 points
  7. Two years ago, I managed to balance sports training, academics, and freelance work. I slept in the living room so that I wouldn't oversleep and feel lazy. Those days were full, and I'm thankful that I was able to do that. And to make use of time during commutes, I'd list the things I would do in my head once I get home. But then, thinking back, I was kind of turned off emotionally. So now, I'm trying to improve how I handle my social relationships.
    3 points
  8. Kids can pull off the hairs from your very skull if you let them throw you off guard. Some childish behaviors are so irritating that you may find yourself reacting in a most unbelievable manner to a childish provocation. Some parents throw every caution to the winds when they are angry with their kids; they call them all kinds of undeserving names and tell them all sorts of things, in a bid to vent their anger. There is no excuse for wrong behavior and, using abusive language is a type of wrong behavior. Therefore you have no excuse whatsoever to be abusive when talking to a child. But in case you're already addicted to it and cannot but speak the wrong words and make the wrong statements when you're angry, there's one statement you should never make to a child. You must not say it to a child no matter how angry or bitter you are. What statement is that? Never say to a child: "You're are good for nothing." Please don't ever say it to them. That singular statement is enough to ruin the life of a child. It unconsciously transmits a sense of worthlessness into a child. Permit me to say it again; don't ever tell a child that they are good for nothing. Shalom.
    3 points
  9. My friend recently told me of a way to make peanut butter fudge that sounded too good to be true, but after trying a piece, I just had to make it. For the record, I am a notoriously bad fudge maker. I always seem to have the timing off so my fudge either doesn't set up right or is really grainy. So when she said she had the easiest ever peanut butter fudge recipe, my ears definitely perked up. It uses only two ingredients - an 18 oz. jar of peanut butter and a 16 oz. container of vanilla frosting. Melt each ingredient separately, then combine the two until one uniform color and consistency. Pour into an 8 x 8 pan that you've lined with foil or parchment paper. Refrigerate 3-4 hours until set, then cut into the size pieces that you want. It's really good! It does get a little softer than I like if you leave it out of the refrigerator, so I recommend keeping it refrigerated. It has a lovely creamy texture and is so delicious. I can finally make peanut butter fudge that is good!
    3 points
  10. Name one (or more) thing(s) for which you are thankful, in the spirit of the season. I'll start! I'm thankful for life, health, and family.
    3 points