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Do you participate in NaNoWriMo?

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National Novel Writing Month is about to begin on November 1. The goal, in case you are not familiar with it, is to write 50,000 words in a month - a novel. Anyone participating this year?

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Yes, I am! I did it last year and 'won', which basically means I finished. Think I was about 100 words over the target and I swore I wouldn't do it again. For some reason I changed my mind and am now all geared up for November 1st. Wish me luck!


I do wish you luck Val although I think you will do very well without it! I hadn't even heard of it until I started hanging out with writers on this site. Maybe I will have a go one day. ;)


Best of luck to you, Val! This will be my first year, and I'm hoping to finish strong, too. It's going to be a busy month... see you on the other side! :D


Thanks Silva. I appreciate the faith you have in me. If you have a go next year I'll be cheering you on for sure.

How are you doing Perfect7? I had a few moments of inspiration and am 43% through. Not bad for day 7, but I'm flagging now!


It's going slowly. I got a little behind, unfortunately! I'm hoping to be able to catch up, though, as I have a basic outline so I know where I'm going with it.


Good luck ladies. I have thought of participating but I just haven't yet. I have the thinnest of ideas, but it has to be fleshed wayyyy out!  I hope you two become famous one day! :)


I couldn't have said it better.  I wish both of you much success and hope that you both become accomplished writers.  I'm like buddys, I've always said I would like to write something, but all the ideas floating around in my head have to get into some kind of order first  :D .

Good luck to you both!