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Sick Kids


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I hate when my kids are sick.  We all have a cold, which is bad enough, but now the baby has diarrhea and a light rash.  She's only 2 months old, so I guess I need to call the doctor.

Do you call the doctor a lot for your kids, or do you usually wait and monitor them?

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I usually wait and see, and treat naturally, until or unless the symptoms are such that it warrants a doctor. Nearly everything little kids get are treatable without a doctor. That said, when they're *very* young, there are more things that warrant professionals.

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Yes, I rarely call the doctor myself.  Actually, in this case I decided not to.  The rash went away and the diarrhea has decreased.  She seems fine otherwise, so we'll just wait and see, and hope she continues to get better!

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Sounds like a good plan! As long as she is staying hydrated, she will probably recover nicely, and immune to one more thing. Hope she is all better quickly!

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