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What's your favorite color?


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My favorite color is blue .because blue is a bit more of a neutral color. Its not exactly flamboyant such as red or as gloomy as black. Its a peaceful and calm color. Blue is also a more popular color in terms of nature because blue is the color of the sea and sky .so what's yours?

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I can't really say I have a favorite color. It's like asking if I have a favorite toe, some of them are better for different jobs, and I would miss any of them which were taken away. This may give away that I am an artist, and use the colors of the rainbow pretty regularly. 

Black and white are like magic fix it colors to me, that can be used anywhere, with anything. If I am using some weird technique with paint, and hey mud, or lack of cohesion, I can use black or white to save my design, once the paint is dry. I love all of the rainbow's colors, and tend to just play with what attracts me at the time, using black and white to lighten or bring cohesion to projects that didn't quite work out right.  

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I'm not sure if I have one favorite color because I change Everyday, Anyway it depends, when it comes to decorating a house I like black and white, As for my bed room I like it to be red and all the things around while for food I like to see multicolored foods.

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Blue is my most favourite color. There is really something magical in deep blue. Not all deep colors are appealing, but deep blue is sure to charm us at the very first sight. Be it in fabrics, feathers or walls -blue is always beautiful.

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Blue used to be my favorite color. Now it's green. I realized I like green color when I was strolling down the park once, and looked at the tall trees and grass, it got me stunned. Since then, I changed my opinion and started liking green color. I also have green eyes, maybe that has something to do with it also.

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My favorite color would have to be blue, every since I was a child I have been in love with blue, most girls growing would like colors like pink and purple maybe even yellow but I was always fascinated with the color blue.

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My favorite colors are black and red. I guess each color has different meanings to different people. To me black represents protections and red represents energy and change. I has to do with personality also.Action prone people would prefer vibrant colors while calmer people prefer soothing colors. There are no negative meanings only different perspectives.

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Is it weird that I don't have a favorite color? I remember being asked this question a lot when I was little. It was one of those go-to questions that adults used, like "How old are you?" and "What grade are you in?" I felt like I was expected to have an answer, so I always told people that it was purple. But I feel like it'd be more accurate to say that I have a favorite color spectrum instead. I like colors that are not bright. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Blue is my favourite colour, not sure why I choose it, but this influence my personality alot, as I would always choose whatever has the color blue from a list of choices. Over the years, I've really fallen in love with that color, seriously my gadgets and even the paint of my car and house is blue. 

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My favorite color is Yellow, from all I know, it represents joy and it's a color that stands out really well. I really love and feel identified with it, I like when I attract people's attention because I think that for once I can be relevant, but I'm not a cocky person at all. In fact, I'm a very shy person, I'm not the best to start conversations, but when I do it I just express my feelings and be myself, I think that's the reason why I'm quiet sometimes, I don't want anyone to mess with me and what I feel.

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Blue has been my favorite color since I was a little girl, I think it started because I wanted to be like my grandmother, her favorite color was blue. Now all those years later my favorite color is still blue and I don't think it has anything to do with what someone else's favorite is, I just really like the color.

I think my favorite color may have changed a few times over the years but it has always gone back to being blue, especially dark blue. My second favorite is burgundy, you can definitely tell these are my two favorite colors if you look inside my wardrobe!

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Whenever that question gets asked, my mind have a multiple choice for answers and it depends on my mood. Yeah, I'm a woman, so? Kidding aside, I have always loved Black. I don't know why really, I mean, I love colors and colorful things but being a loner, maybe, I have associated myself with it. As for the other choices, when I'm happy and relaxed, I answer Blue. When they ask it so that they can buy me anything in that color, I say Dark Blue. 

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