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How is your religious experience?

William Wolfgang

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Though I believe in the existence of God but I have to confess that I am quite confused and skeptic about religion. There are so many questions on my mind to which I don't find satisfying answers. For example, if God is merciful then why he created the germs and diseases? If my success depends on my own efforts then how a prayer will benefit me? If God is merciful why did he create evil things in the universe? Whenever a lion, for example, kills some animal for food the victim goes through a great pain before death. My question is that if God is merciful then why he created this pain? If he is omnipotent he could make the dying process as pain-free.It is claimed that God conceals the sins of people out of mercy but the same God commands to cut the hands of a thief. Now whenever somebody will look at the cut hands of a thief he or she will think about the sinfulness of that person.  How is the merciful God concealing the sin of a thief here? So my religious experience is quite disturbing, How is your religious experience?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Religion is an institution. The Creator is the only Master of all existence. Because of what we are taught by our leaders who have been misinformed by misinformation is why everyone, even those on shaky belief ground, are in a state of confusion. My experience thus far has been weird as well as exceptional. Can any one, especially a female, attest to being able to feel an earthquake in Italy and France and a volcanic eruption in Japan from the depths of their loins? Had many visions play out right in front of their eyes after just waking up? It is rare to find many people who are figuring out this galactic journey in the flesh and have a discussion about the progress. It all plays a role because we created the evil from the deception of our own hearts that manifests in our now. Manifest good from the heart and the picture will change, indefinitely.

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The various examples you gave are quite interesting, and it would probably take writing a whole book to fully explain these things. The simple explanation I can give you is that the concept of God is inexhaustible, there's no way our human brain can fully grasp 'everything'; so it will be a futile exercise for someone to attempt to understand how God works or how things work. The best way to understand God is to approach him like a child, to believe him like a child believes his father. Believing him means believing his Word, which is the Bible. When you begin to study the Bible, with a heart-felt desire to understand it, you will gradually begin to get answers to some of life's baffling questions, the type you mentioned.

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As I mentioned in my last reply, religion is an institution. We are taught to believe which is where we get placed as we tap our toes in faith waters. But what about knowing? That is where I am and would like to share these scriptures to help with the confusion. Psalm 82 (defines us as the gods); Isaiah 43 (defines who the Creator is and the name); John 10:34-40 (false messiah tells you who he is); & Genesis 6 (Moses tells you who the Sons of God were). Read them for yourself so you can know, not just believe.

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