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God really exists?

morej apino

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Yes, He really exist even if we don't see him He exist. The story of my life is miserable I really do the craziest thing. Yes I know him He is the saviour He is the King but I really ignore it one day my friend Samuel invited me in a cell group that time I was in a bad situation but in the bible said God is near to the brokenhearted thats the time I cried and repent on that day I receive the Holy Spirit and I feel that God really forgives me thats our God. Our God give his Grace and Mercy even if we don't deserve it but beacuse he Love us he give us the unconditional love and many chances that why we are alive till now. He really exist!

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Yes God does exist. I am saying this with reasons. For example cars, computers, aeroplanes, who made all these things? The answer is humans. Then our brains, water, the sun and the universe, who made these things? Then it is God. 

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If we look at the complexity of this world then we can understand the existence of God. This world cannot come into existence without a creator. There is someone who is controlling the whole universe. Everything in this universe is working in a proper way. We can feel the existence of God when we pray to him. When there is no one with us then we have God always with us.

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I wonder, you put a question mark in the title of your topic, but in your post you write about how you know that He exists. Why did you form the title of the topic as a question if you're so sure that God is real?
Also, even if I don't agree with you about His existence, I am glad you have found your peace of mind and that you feel at ease now. Religion and belief really help people cope with things in life. Don't get me wrong, I am not here to fight or anything. I respect your belief in Him. I was mostly just interested in what this topic was about, but it ended up being something different of what I've expected it would be.

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Yes, God does exist. Creation shows that there is a powerful Creator and designer of all things. Nothing could've possibly come from nothing. He is the uncaused Cause. That's why the Bible begins with the words "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." He has a wonderful plan in creating us. That's why we need to know this great God who continually sustains us. As John 3:16 says, He loves us enough to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins so that we don't need to perish but have everlasting life with Him. Will you come to Him? He wants to have you as His own!

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Definitely He does exist. Although we could be sometimes left wondering if really God exists. I have critically and tentatively examined many things on this earth that testify to the existence of God. First of all, I have personally encountered "the Spirit of the  invisible God" that miraculously healed me of kidney problem. 

My miracle is a buttress to many scriptures in the Bible that affirm the existence of God. More also, I have thoughtfully ruminated about many creations on the earth like Ocean, animals of different categories and we human beings that there could not have been our existence without the presence and existence of Supreme Being who is cleverer, more intelligent and absolutely powerful than  we ordinary human beings.

What about the complexity of our body system? How our body works with interconnectivity of operations and various body chemicals secretion. There is God!

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There is a law of universal causation which places God as the first cause of all causes in the universe; yet, God is not caused by anything. God, being the first cause, created the universe in addition to the laws that govern it and puts man in the centre of all activities to establish His existence. No doubt, God exists and His existence is beyond the human reasoning.

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I'm Agnostic. I do not believe there is a way to know if a god exists . I would like to think that there is a higher power, but every time I think of the awful things that go on in the world, I am torn about it. I feel that if a god is there, he/she/it must either be very malevolent to allow it, or has no control over what happens.

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