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What is your daily routine and how do you break them?


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I'm quite bored with my daily routines and I started this thread for me to know some methods in breaking the routines.

My weekday routine would be:

6:00 - 6:30 = Wake up and do personal hygiene before going to work

6:30 - 7:30 = Eat breakfast and travel to work. I'm glad that I only need 10 minutes to travel to work using my bike.

7:30 - 4:30 = At work.

4:30 - 7:00 = Come back home, prepare and eat dinner.

7:00 - 9:00 = Check the internet and watch some movies.

9:00 - 6:00 = Dreamland.

What activities do you think is good to insert in my routine to make my day a little different.

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It's called the work week funk!  :(  It's normal and I experience it too.  I do have to say though that there are weeks when I'm running on my lunch break and running after work.  I get so tired out that I would give anything to have the work week funk!

How about you change it up by visiting friends.  Making plans with friends always gives me something to look forward to.

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I just went through a major life rearrangement, lol, so my new scheadule is:

7am: Wake up, "get ready", cook breakfast and pack a lunch for the significant other

8am: Walk to my mother's house (2 miles)

8:30am: Work out with my mom for an hour or so; shower

9:30-5:30pm: Work (and occasionally play) online (writing articles and posting)...still at Mom's usually, but sometimes I'm able to find a ride back home

5:30pm: Boyfriend picks me up from Mom's and we go home, he showers while I cook dinner, and we talk about our days

After dinner, if we still feel energized, we might go to a movie or go out for a drink, invite friends over to play video games or watch rented movies, or just cuddle and watch TV. Since I'm "home" all day every day, I try to get out of the house as often as possible at night.

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