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Stupid and heartless - what a combination.


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I cannot believe what I just saw on our local news.  There was a couple that walked into Culvers (it's a fast food restaurant here) and picked up a jar of money on the counter.  The jar was marked "Donations For Haiti".  The good news is, the security cameras got such a good, clear picture of both of them that they were easily identified.  They've even announced, by name, who they are looking for.  How can people steal money that is supposed to go to Haiti?  Have they not seen the devastation?  I don't get it, I guess there really are some heartless people in this world.

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It makes me feel so sad to think that there are people like this around but I know that there are. I have seen charity boxes chained to the counter in some stores because they have had them stolen.

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I wonder if these people are stealing these boxes because they need the money or they have some sort of moral or socio-economic grip against people donating money towards the victims of Haiti.  ???

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Unfortunately it seems the world is just not the same as it used to be. You can't trust anyone I believe now. I remember when I was a kid being able to go outside by myself, the neighbors were like extended family, and people had morals. I hate that I am raising my kids in this world now.

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It's very saddening to hear things like this. But I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it's nothing new. Unfortunately the news likes stories like this and they tend to put a lot of negative stories on TV to make you watch. I avoid the news at all costs almost all the time for this very reason.

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